Trump to propose guaranteed maternity leave….sorta – IOTW Report

Trump to propose guaranteed maternity leave….sorta

The usual suspects on Twitter, like the annoying Allahpundit, are running around doing end zone dances, characterizing the latest Trump proposal as a progressive big government program.

The maternity leave Trump is proposing is not what you’d typically think of as a mandatory decree that employers pay their employees as they sit it out the last 6 weeks of a pregnancy.

It would be allocated from the unemployment/disability insurance pool and be tax neutral by tightening the reins on fraud within the system.

Is it a conservative measure?

Not really, but you can spin it by saying that the birthrate among workers is lagging far behind the birthrate of layabouts, and subsidizing people with the work ethic so they can bear children, who in turn would learn the work ethic, could pay dividends in the long run. (I could easily be a spoxhole.)

Whether it is conservative or not, it is certainly not a policy that gets implemented just because Trump floats it at potential constituents. It still has to come from the Hill. Acting like this is a pivot point where Trump completely goes progtard is disingenuous.

What outcome does Allhpundit want? That’s the question.

When asked, these people’s answers are not reality based.

“I want a conservative! I want somebody other than Hillary or Trump.”

S’not gonna happen Goofy.



16 Comments on Trump to propose guaranteed maternity leave….sorta

  1. I wasn’t impressed with Ivanka’s mention of this during the RNC and I’m not surprised they rolled it out. But they are ignoring another piece of his plan. Dependent Care Savings Accounts which would be a great tool for people that do want to be responsible and save money for child/elderly care including education. These accounts would allow tax free contributions and appreciation and would be available to everyone. Providing a lot more freedom than the Dependent Flex Care Plans that are employer tied, the money is lost if not used that year and are only through employers. It is not all bad.

  2. Trump’s DCSAs would offer both tax-deductible contributions and tax-free year-to-year appreciation, while also being available to everyone. The accounts allow for people to set aside extra money to pay for both childcare and for care of elderly dependents.

    I don’t see the problem.

  3. Just off the top of my head, a major drawback to the program is that the people who would benefit from this the most are probably not paying into the system–because they’re paid off the books. Remember, there is no birthrate problem in the illegal alien segment of the population.

  4. Hey,Allahpundit and all y’all. You like the Trump you’re seeing? He’s just killing it, isn’t he? So how about you just sit back and watch him get some of that women’s vote you’re so concerned about for him. Don’t get in the weeds, please.

  5. There are so many sites that are now dead to me.
    Thanks ever so for remaining a sometimes strident voice in the wilderness people.
    It’s almost like whatever LGFs had is contagious, lots of sites losing their collective mind.

  6. @govsomething:
    “Just off the top of my head,” if they are “paid off the books”, how do you get paid leave from a non existing job?
    He’s going for the working woman vote.
    “Get it?” – Karl

  7. BFH – you are spot on with your evaluation of AllahPundit. He reminds me very much of a spoiled brat who holds his breath and throws a shit fit cuz he doesn’t get his way.

    I voted for that pudknocker Dole in 96 but I wanted somebody…anybody else.
    I voted for that fuckwit McCain in 08 but I wanted anybody else.
    I voted for that shitnozlle Romney in 12 but I wanted somebody else.

    In each of these elections we true Libertarian-Conservatives held our noses, got drunk and voted for the Republican-Du-Jour, wishing that we had another Reagan to vote for. Now that we have a no-bullshit, fuck-your-PC-fascism, deport Pedro candidate, this time around the limp-dicked shitweasel douchnozzles like AllahPundit can go to the back of the room, sit down AND SHUT THE FUCK UP.

  8. “Whether it is conservative or not, it is certainly not a policy that gets implemented just because Trump floats it at potential constituents. It still has to come from the Hill”

    and — what Mansfield Lovell said

  9. “Now that we have a no-bullshit, fuck-your-PC-fascism, deport Pedro candidate, this time around the limp-dicked shitweasel douchnozzles like AllahPundit can go to the back of the room, sit down AND SHUT THE FUCK UP.”

    Lets give @ Mansfield Lovell, Famous Fuckup Confederate General another thumbs-up.

    THIS is NOT one of them.

    Let the RightWing YammerQueens wet their panties and cry,
    “but that’s not ‘conservative’!”

    LET Trump troll for votes.
    (I can hear those b!tches cry, “how DARE he try to WIN!!!”)

    (including allahpundit, the PaleoRINO, if there ever was one).

  11. I’m not in favor of any government programs but, if we have to have one, something that encourages white couples to have children while we seal our borders and restrict immigration sounds like one of the better ideas.

  12. let me rephrase that. I used to read his stuff years back, and thought the name was unique and his posts were interesting, if not entertaining. However, as the years progressed, another allah began making much trouble in our world and any mention of that demon sends images of beheadings and torture and rape. So, since he has not seen the wisdom of dropping or substituting that name, he has dropped from my radar.

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