Trump to Sign EO on Refugees Tomorrow – IOTW Report

Trump to Sign EO on Refugees Tomorrow


31 Comments on Trump to Sign EO on Refugees Tomorrow

  1. Common sense.Why anyone who has ever been to one of these Muslim shitholes would want to import more of their people to our country has always amazed me. Just watch the Democrats wail and moan about this popular decision. It will cost them in the next election.

  2. This is way too easy to fix. The diaspora of muslims from the shitholes of failed states and religious motivated murder their homelands have become. A mere 100 square miles of the wastelands of eastern Libia. Pile it up with building materials, a few water plants, and a dock for countries that want to donate food.

    No electrical plants. They don’t need that.

    Provide security outside that area and don’t allow the more adventurous murdering muslims to approach.

    Put ’em ALL there. Let them demonstrate the superiority of their culture. Fuck, in twenty years they’ll be the shining example of Africa.

  3. I have to be mindful to address the President properly.

    Clowns have occupied the office for so long that I had lost all respect.

    I will try really hard to Address him using the proper Etiquette.

    There are rules for this you know.

  4. What : said.
    The moron Dem preezy would have to start over with a new bill.
    It would help if Trump was offered road block bills to sign to prevent another healthcare takeover like 0bamacare.

  5. Excellent! We owe these third world shitholes and there occupants nothing. I wish them no harm, but we have a right to select who comes here, in our best interests. Let the rich Saudis take in the refugees of the Middle East, they’re not $20T in debt.

  6. @sTevo: I, for one, have decided to start showing Former President Obama more respect, and I will begin by addressing him properly.

    From now on, I intend to refer to him as MISTER Hole.


  7. I agree with immediate restrictions. Stop the influx of “refugees”…… BUT
    I am anxious to see what, if anything, will be done to vet or deport those tens of thousands of islamic refugees admitted over the past 4 years, the illegal alien muslims who crossed the Mexican and Canadian Borders and those who overstayed Visas for education and travel purposes.
    Don’t let the ball stop rolling until the job is done.

  8. Never seen a President (a real President) act this fast before. Trump wasn’t kidding. He’s a workaholic of the first order. I remember O’s first hunnerd days. Like fucking doing absolutely nothing and obstructing govs like Jindal from helping out with the BP oil disaster. What a black cunt O is.

  9. Line em up. If they have microscopic prayer rug fibers on their foreheads? They’re outta here. Sheep, pig, goat, dog, or little kid fecal matter on their foreskins? They’re outta here. Collected welfare? Gone. Know a passage from Mohammad’s guide to torturing women, Christians, and little kids? .357 between the eyes. The scum of the earth with direct connections to satan. GTFO. Now.

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