Trump ‘totally’ disagrees with Fauci on school reopenings – IOTW Report

Trump ‘totally’ disagrees with Fauci on school reopenings


As state economies begin slowly reopening in phases, President Trump wants to see schools reopen — despite some of the coronavirus concerns being voiced by top advisers.

In an exclusive interview with FOX Business’ Maria Bartiromo, President Trump responded to top infectious disease expert Dr. Anthony Fauci’s fears that spikes during the reopening process could turn into outbreaks if activities, like schooling, resume too quickly.

“So [Dr.] Anthony [Fauci] is a good person, a very good person – I’ve disagreed with him,” Trump said. “We have to get the schools open, we have to get our country open, we have to open our country. Now we want to do it safely, but we also want to do it as quickly as possible, we can’t keep going on like this … You’re having bedlam already in the streets, you can’t do this. We have to get it open. I totally disagree with him on schools.”

Trump reiterated those beliefs in a press briefing Wednesday, saying that while the decision is ultimately up to state governors, he does not consider the country “coming back” if schools remain closed.

“I was surprised by his answer actually because it’s just to me it’s not an acceptable answer, especially when it comes to schools,” Trump said.

Fauci made comments during testimony before lawmakers Tuesday that caused some alarm, including the possibility of an uncontrollable outbreak.

He cautioned that a vaccine or treatment would not likely be available before students are expected to begin their fall terms.


ht/ c. steven tucker

13 Comments on Trump ‘totally’ disagrees with Fauci on school reopenings

  1. I would wager Fauci is a bed wetter and soils himself under stress,He has been dumb than you wrong on multiple items, T’he data on his error prone model was 13 years old. He ought to stay more up to date, Shutting down for a 0.00025 death. rate borders on insanity.

  2. any virus, throughout history!!!, has come & gone … no matter how many died. humanity cannot control it … particularly by locking ourselves in a cave for the next decade. (jeez, wouldn’t you love to see cave-progressives … wouldn’t last 1 week)

    we eradicate viruses by developing immunity. always have, always will

    these petty tyrants are using this latest virus to spread fear & panic
    people die, every day … it is the natural course of life on this planet … we don’t get out alive, as self-important progtards believe themselves to be Masters of their own domain.

    herd immunity has always worked …. we are not God … let it be

    there are less than 300k deaths worldwide …. there are 7.5 billion people on Earth … do the math

  3. We have to get the schools open, we have to get our country open

    “Hey, Ivanka! How bout I reopen all the pedocare centers? So all you strong wymyns. Who don’t need a man. Any more than you need an exercise bicycle. Can sit at home. Alone. On the dole. And watch your stories?


    Who’s your daddy!?”

  4. Fauxi and brix have been wrong on everything and should have been canned weeks ago. Only in government do incompetents like these quacks get to retain their positions and keep making mistakes. Hell, in govt this is a feature not a bug, as they say. In any case, whatever fauxi says lets adopt the exact opposite as appropriate course of action

  5. DJT is not buying into fraudci bs

    DJT is doing what needs to be done to expose the bureaucrats

    sometimes you have to show the citizens what is what not just tell them

    fraudci is destroying their credibility all by themselves

    DJT is letting the governors destroy themselves as well
    the citizens are realizing elections matter


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