Trump Unveils Plans to ‘Save American Education’ from ‘Radical-Left Maniacs’ – IOTW Report

Trump Unveils Plans to ‘Save American Education’ from ‘Radical-Left Maniacs’

Breitbart: Former President Donald J. Trump on Thursday detailed his comprehensive education policy platform which aims to “restore power to American parents.” It includes plans to cut funding to schools and programs that push radical left-wing ideologies like “Critical Race Theory and gender ideology,” and keeping boys out girls’ sports.

Trump unveiled his “plan to save American education” by noting that “[o]ur public schools have been taken over by the radical left maniacs.”

First and foremost, Trump pledged to “cut federal funding for any school or program pushing critical race theory, gender ideology, or other inappropriate racial, sexual, or political content onto our children” and noted that he would direct the “Department[s] of Justice and Education to open civil rights investigations into any school district that has engaged in race-based discrimination.”

He then likened  “Marxism being preached in our schools” to “an established religion” that is antithetical to the Judeo-Christian values that are deeply seeded in the fabric of western civilization.

“For this reason, my administration will aggressively pursue potential violations of the establishment clause and the free exercise clause of the constitution; that’s very simple,” Trump explained. MORE

15 Comments on Trump Unveils Plans to ‘Save American Education’ from ‘Radical-Left Maniacs’

  1. Trump is not going to save America unless he is prepared to crush the enemy.
    This include prison or execution to the traitors of our country.
    It includes getting rid of advice from corrupt politicians he kept in the past.
    Getting rid of every clinton/bush/obama/ holdover.
    I’m sorry President Trump, unless you destroy the enemy you will never win.
    It is not the Art of the Deal it’s the destruction of the enemy.
    God never said to the Hebrews, go in and negotiate, he said go in and destroy the enemy. The USA is on the cusp of WW3 and we are heading to nuclear destruction. For some reason most of the country will vote demoncrat because the are possessed with evil, pray for our country

  2. Yeah, just like he was going to defend all of the sanctuary cities, how’d that work out?

    This is just more pandering from politicians, I’m sick of it. My advice to Trump is the same advice I gave to McCarthy, don’t tell us what you’re going to do or what you want to do, just do it and we’ll tell you if we like it or not.

    If you don’t want your kid indoctrinated, don’t put them in public school, find a good Christian school or homeschool them. They will be head and shoulders above all the competition for admissions to college.

  3. Trump did a lot of good things when he was president, but draining the swamp was not one of them. He is not going to crush anyone.The Presidency was not designed for crushing. Only the people can do that, through fair and honest elections. And so far I have yet to see the mechanism for honesty reinserted, or the will from the people to stand up and say that they’ve had enough.

  4. Rich Taylor

    Donald Trump got lied to, bitch slapped, ass raped by every mother fucked that was allegedly on his side. And he still was the best president we ever had. My opinion of Trump is he’s a pretty fast learner. He’s been through the shit show. I’ll be voting for Trump 2024, the revenge tour, instead of your to be determined candidate.
    However, I’m not convinced he’s running. In my opinion, our loss. The countries loss.

  5. @Rich and @Brad and all patriots AMEN and thank you.
    I am not sitting on my hands but at 70+ years on earth my voice is diminished.
    Thank God for you and each and every Christian patriot as we try to defend our country against evil. Do not waiver, hold steady in the Lord, God bless and protect us…

  6. Sourpuss
    That’s a great post. I don’t understand why conservatives can’t get more united. Maybe I should be more concerned with why, and how, Libtards are always united.
    I’m the poorest loser you’ve ever met. And we’re still losing.

  7. Trump is running and he has my vote! Granted I’m not pleased with his vax position, not to impressed with his 1st term appointments, but other than that he has every other possible candidate beat. Do you think we would be looking down the barrel of WWIII if Trump was in? How about out strategic oil reserves, interest rates, price of fuel, the contempt every nation has for us? Trump will have my vote!

  8. @Brad, maybe it’s because we conservatives are not needy herd animals like the leftists. We think for ourselves, make our own decisions and want to fo about our business of living our lives and not be interfered with nor interfere with other people’s lives.

  9. Just rescind all Federal laws pertaining to the State’s public schools.

    Start by cancelling the Department of Education.

    Can’t do that?

    Then shut the fuck up.

  10. First, end all federal involvement in education like the GOP promised in 1994. Then end all state involvement and then all local government involvement. Restore parental power by making them responsible for their own children’s education. Education is horrible because of government…period.

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