Trump Voter Fraud Investigation Prompts Thousands Of Colorado Voters To Cancel Their Registrations – IOTW Report

Trump Voter Fraud Investigation Prompts Thousands Of Colorado Voters To Cancel Their Registrations


More than 3,000 Colorado voters have canceled their voter registrations after the Trump administration launched a voter fraud probe, according to Newsweek.

State election officials told the Denver Post that 3,394 voters have scratched themselves from the voter roll. Of those who were unregistered, nearly 90 percent were Democrats or independents. Some voters have also requested confidential status, which means their names will be removed when the state releases public voter information.

Though these withdrawals from the voter roll only comprise 0.09 percent of the state’s 3.7 million voters, election officials say they have never seen anything like this.  read more

15 Comments on Trump Voter Fraud Investigation Prompts Thousands Of Colorado Voters To Cancel Their Registrations

  1. Soooooo … how long have they been fraudulently voting prior to cancellation?

    There was once a civilian employee of the US Air Force who was fired for theft. He sought reinstatement after the Air Force recovered what he had stolen, on the grounds that since they recovered the items, no theft was committed.

    Don’t remember how it turned out … but this seems vaguely similar …

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. If they were frauds then they got on once, when the heat is off they can get on again. Congress ought to pass a federal voter identification law that requires photo identification when you go to vote. If the left starts spouting the usual crap about that being a way to limit minority turnout then take one of Egon Musk’s subsidies and use it to fund free federal identification photo cards available to those that don’t have the means to get an acceptable one such as a drivers license. The left will still scream but by then the courts should be behind the law not an ideology.

  3. From the article: “County election officials told the Denver Post that voters do not trust Trump’s commission to handle their personal information properly or they didn’t realize how much of their voter registration information was already available to the public.”

    HAHAHAHAHAHA! Let me clear up that misconception for you. It’s like cockroaches scurrying for cover when someone turns on the kitchen light.

  4. Why do you suppose the percentage of democrats is so high? I have never found that group of people to care too much about their privacy being many times do I hear, ‘I don’t care if they are listening in, I am not doing anything anyway’. Dopes

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