Trump Wasn’t the Difference. WE WERE – IOTW Report

Trump Wasn’t the Difference. WE WERE

I love John Nolte’s work, and I love his latest piece from the Daily Wire. But, ultimately, I think this essay needs to acknowledge the voters as much as it lauds Trump.

It’s called  How Trump Turned the National Media Into Impotent Hecklers.

I think it could just as easily be called How Voters Used Trump In Order To Turn the National Media Into Impotent Hecklers.

Daily Wire:

Sure, the media might still have the power to annoy. But as far as how the players play, the institution is now just, well, belligerent jerks with no power, no sway, no influence.

Much of the credit does not belong to President-elect Donald Trump. The media did this to themselves. What Trump does deserve credit for — and I’ll get to this — is realizing that the Emperor has no clothes and firing the kill shot.

…instead of uncovering scandal, our media did everything to ensure these inconvenient truths couldn’t cripple Obama.

…in pursuit of their overriding goal, which has nothing to do with uncovering government abuse and everything to do with empowering  government, the media rejected the art of information gathering and sharing — which is the essence of  journalism. Instead, armed with the belief that in doing so they could sway public opinion further to the left, the media became nothing more than a gang of leftwing pundits.


…we now live in a world where the media has zero leverage. They can’t blackmail Trump into behaving a certain way because 1) they have nothing he needs — to reach the people, he can easily go around them; and 2)  they can’t put pressure on him by hammering him with coordinated narratives because they have lost all moral authority with the public. Nothing they say matters. Nothing they do moves the needle.

The only reason Trump exists is because of the deplorables that were going to vote for him even if he shot someone on Fifth Ave. This didn’t mean these voters were stupid. Quite the contrary.

We were Trump’s power.

We recognized, some just intuitively, that this would be the dagger into the heart of the institutions that have held the right back. Trump is not the man with the dagger, he is the dagger. And it is wielded by us.

Unfortunately there’s been collateral damage – we’ve exposed clueless bints on the right, as well, too sluggish, or too invested in their own establishment chamber, to catch on to what half this country was doing with their dagger.

We heard them bellyaching – “Trump is boorish. Trump is an idiot. Trump is a sexist. Trump isn’t a conservative.”

So far, there is very little a conservative should be complaining about, certainly nothing rising to the a level that would be proportionate to how much damage his win has inflicted on the left.

Trump deserves credit, but I think more credit is due to the voters who trusted that a Trump victory, boorish, idiotic, sexist and non-conservative withstanding, would be a wrecking ball, knocking down all of the correct targets.

(Full disclosure. I’m not counting myself as one of the calm and collected. I was on record saying that I was concerned with the fracturing that Trump would cause amongst the right, willing to press a button to install Cruz in order to avoid collateral damage. My position now is that these naysayers on the right, ones that continue to this day, were never people that I should have cared about. They are more aligned today with the left than they are with us.)

The rest of Nolte’s essay HERE



25 Comments on Trump Wasn’t the Difference. WE WERE

  1. Trump put himself in the media’s critical cross hairs, made the effort, spent the time, effort and money to win. He never wavered or slacked off from the goal he set.
    Voters who chose Trump are deserving of accolades for saving this country from a certain fate.

  2. It was breath taking in its audacity, what Trump did. Abuse the elites of the Republican and risk driving them away, knowing that their numbers were insignificant in the electoral college scheme of things ….. because large numbers of them lived in safe states anyway

    In return he broke the blue wall. I was flabbergasted in 2012 when Obama took the Rust Belt states, given that Unemployment was over 10%. Turns out those poor bastards were so eaten up with despair and could see so little difference between Obama and Mittens, they just didn’t vote. Trump figured out what to do.

    I have an older brother who is a superstar attorney, who left the Presidential category blank on his ballot. So I called him up a few weeks after the election and said, “What do you think of Trump now? All that shit he was doing in the primaries … it was done to break the blue wall. You see that now, dont you?”

    And the good news is .. he does.

  3. Nolte is about the only journalist/commentator I will follow wherever he goes. Most all he writes is right on. And real common sense. I like that.
    Breitbart lost their best writer when Nolte left in the great Breitbart shakeup.
    But you are right in this case. Trump has been our tool to break up the entrenched D.C. establishment. We gave him the power to do the task. We appreciate that someone like him came forward, but we gave him the power.
    Whoever we selected would have the same purpose, but Trump seemed the most willing to really shake things up, conservative enough to meet our needs, and competent enough to not just blow things up but to create a government capable of performing its true duties.

  4. In my mind there is absolutely no doubt that Cruz would never have won. I would have voted for him but do you think he could have generated anywhere near the enthusiasm that Trump did? Had 10s of 1,000s at rallies? Carried WI???? No way.

    Trump is a winner, has been all of his life. Like the Bruce Willis character in Armageddon, he doesn’t know how to lose. He’s obviously been considering this for many years and he was pitch perfect(almost).

    The left dominated media is a joke, they still think they’re something they’re not. Maybe in the coming years, with repeated blows to the head by Trump’s Cluebat, it might start to sink in. But if what I’m seeing 3 full weeks after the win is any indication, they’ll continue their march to irrelevance.

  5. trump was the only choice to beat hillary.
    and the marriage of trump with deplorables was perfection.
    and like the blob, it grew under the noses of all those pricks who, up till 9am, thought they had this hag in the bag.

  6. It is also emboldening others under attack to push back. All the people across the country under attack with the medias assistence because of their Christian values or support of Trump are sick of taking tyrannical abuse from the leftist PC thugs. A good case in point is Buzzfeed going after an HGTV Christian couple that host Fixer Upper. Even their readers pushed back and called them out. It is transparent to most now that there is bias and flat out hatred aimed at decent citizens and it isn’t acceptable to most Americans.

  7. “The only reason Trump exists is because of the deplorables that were going to vote for him even if he shot someone on Fifth Ave.”

    Exactly this.

    Whenever my husband says, “Trump won” – I say that WE did. Everyone who voted for Trump voted for their own belief and faith in themselves to win and to rebuild.

    Trump deserved our trust in him to stand up against all the political might that came against him – it was clear early on that he would not buckle. This country needed a man with a heart and a solid plan, not some dandy with a mesmerizing collection of speeches.

    WE picked him to run, and WE voted for ourselves to break and smash the establishment via this one man who put everything on the line for US. I think we done good.

  8. Yes, WE WON. WE did it. WE turned out for Trump. Joe Dans latest Intellectual Froglegs states the reasons why the populace turned on the liberals. If you have not watched it yet, do so.

    I see Lazlo on the corner of that masterpiece above, is it his artwork or just getting credit for the suggestion?

    no, that was all Lazlo- bfh

  9. I’m on record here as being a primary Cruz Snooze. Hell, the wife primaried for Kasich, hell no, will not bring that up.
    We both marched our old asses into the empty, majority black district, black church to cast our vote for Trump. There were more workers than voters.
    That was the first ray of hope to flash.
    They was tarred that day, tarred.

  10. Bfh – I began voyeuristically hanging out here shortly after Trump announced. I didn’t pay attention enough to gleen your pro Cruz v Trump position, however, I did note a great divide amongst what seemed like the original gang.

    I was 100% behind Trump from day 1 and I must applaud you in that once you saw the handwriting vs handringing your enthusiasim (as well as frustration) in whipping the troops to support Trump was exciting. (I still request an appearance of Honest Don redux).
    TY for hours upon hours of thought provoking entertainment.

    I nominate bfh and Trump as “our magnificent bastards”!!!!!

  11. I wanted Cruz so bad, but
    now I see he would never have been elected. Ever since the election, I am liking Trump more and more. I did vote for him, and I am glad we won. He showed the media that they dont run the show. He also showed the world that the Demonrats couldnt steal the election even with George Beelzebub Soros money.

  12. Callmelennie,

    “Turns out those poor bastards were so eaten up with despair and could see so little difference between Obama and Mittens, they just didn’t vote.”

    They were right. I voted for that asshole Romney as I did for that even bigger asshole and counterfeit McCain, but I did so knowing that there is so little difference between them and Obama that it shrinks to insignificance when compared to the difference between them and anyone who believes in Constitutional governance.

  13. “Trump Wasn’t the Difference. WE WERE”
    I can’t disagree with that statement more. If you extrapolate that out to the next level, Obama was responsible for the Trump win. Trump couldn’t have beaten Obama in 2004 or 2008.

  14. “If My people, who are called by My name, shall humble themselves and pray, and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” 2 Chron 7:14

    Even Joe Dan, who always put this in his videos did not have it in his recent “Victory” issue. With all due respect, Nolte is not right. “We” should be ashamed and sorry for reverting back so quickly to our old ways; our ways of thinking we can do anything without God Almighty. It was God’s wholly undeserved mercy which allowed Him to lift up the heart of his servant, Donald Trump, and to make for all of us a warrior in our fight to overcome the evil of the left and their ‘certain’ candidate.

    Don’t get it twisted.

    “If My people, who are called by My name, shall humble themselves and pray, and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways..”

    Stay turned from our wicked ways, my friends. Trump may be a hot shot negotiator but God is not.

  15. I’m not going to enter the “We did, He did” kerfluffle. What I saw was a man who possesses unshakable, unflappable confidence in himself versus a woman whose confidence was in her apparatchiks. Hillary did not possess a single iota of leadership whilst Trump has enough for a dozen men.

    Nature or nurture? How did Trump get to be what he is? His parents? Sure, they had a large role in what he came to be. But God had the controlling interest. For he knitted Donald together (Psalm 139:13) and fashioned him for the purpose He had planned in eternity past. Perhaps there were a dozen knotting needles involved in the process of putting Donald Trump together, first as a child and then as an adult, perhaps less, but all were tools of God’s purpose.

  16. Engelburka Engelburka –

    It’s coming, the Honest Don.
    I promise.

    I’m happy my particular stress this election season kept you entertained.
    I don’t mean that in a bad way, either.

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