Trump Wins Presidency If He Denounces This and Says He Will Block This – IOTW Report

Trump Wins Presidency If He Denounces This and Says He Will Block This

John Kerry: U.S. to Accept 85,000 Refugees in 2016, 100,000 in 2017

I’m being told I might not get a social security check, and the left’s answer is to usher in parasitical, illiterate, ideologically insane America haters.

They think this will bail us out.

Trump, denounce this. Say you will reverse this and you have my vote. If you screw us we will deport YOU!


10 Comments on Trump Wins Presidency If He Denounces This and Says He Will Block This

  1. I emphatically agree, BFH, if we don’t elect someone who will fix this and the broken and abused immigration system, nothing else will really matter, our country will be done for.

  2. If John wants to put em up at his place, at his and Momma T’s expense, it’s OK with me.

    However, if he wants the American taxpayers to provide a place, and foot the bill, he can Eat Shit and Die.

  3. Is Trump that somebody? I don’t know. Early on, I thought he was not electable, at least without the support of the GOP organization.
    I remember how they flushed Sarah.

    But even without that support, his numbers look good.
    This should alert the RNC- You’re doing it wrong!!

  4. Even Jorge Ramos agrees that it would take $135 billion to deport every one of the 11 million illegal alien/invaders on American soil…….


    We could let them stay here and the 11 million illegal alien/invaders will cost the taxpayers……$113 billion annually…….

    Seems like an easy choice to me.

  5. Yes indeed, it has. A thought though, that perhaps God is using this as a means for us Americans to bring the gospel to them, since most are not taking trips over there.
    Future republicans?
    We the grassroots can’T control what they do, but we can can take that turd muffin they’re sending and turn it back to GOOD.

  6. If they are coming in 2016 and 2017(!), is it at all accurate to call them ‘REFUGEES’ !??!
    Print them invitations. That way they can specify if they prefer the lobster or the filet.
    Get Kerry the f..k out of government. Every single fool in this Administration should be HORSEWHIPPED for being so foul.

  7. If the US enforced every immigration law on the books now, and did not feed the “immigrants” AT ALL on your money, and began to incarcerate/eject every illegal for the felony crime of illegal entry, the balance would immediately deport themselves.
    If business owners were incarcerated for the felony of employing illegals, and the gov’t did not feed them, and individuals did not commit the felony of harboring them(fugitive felons) they would be literally unable to live here,period.

    It is ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS even to suggest that physical apprehension and physical deportation by law enforcement would be necessary to persuade the majority of them to vamanos.

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