Trump/Clinton Live Blog – IOTW Report

Trump/Clinton Live Blog

Here is where we’ll share thoughts, reactions and opinions during the live Trump/Clinton debate.

449 Comments on Trump/Clinton Live Blog

  1. I caught 52 pre-debate shows on TV and radio.
    The weird thing is every one of them (but CNN which said nothing but lies) said THE EXACT SAME THING.
    – Hillary needs to be likable
    – Trump needs to look presidential

  2. The question was about creating jobs and putting more money in Americans’ pockets. Hillary says paid family leave, profit-sharing, and equal pay for women. Um, Hillary, what about jobs???

  3. Trump: Keep hammering her on not doing ANYTHING she says she’s planning to do when she had some influence (30 years). Bill signed NAFTA! (Good, got that in.)

    Killery: “Holding people accountable (?)” That’s a laugh!

  4. He’s sniffing because he’s a tad over-amped and feeling some strain. He breathed like that when he first started addressing those enormous crowds. He needs to stop feeling defensive and feeling on the ropes. Clinton is doing well, but she is beginning to sound very canned and preachy. A turn off. His advantage is that he is not turning to canned speech or cliches. He’s coming off authentically.

    He needs to hit her point by point and then go beyond.

  5. Guns are the leading cause of death for young African Americans? Wrong Mrs. Secretary, Young African Americans with illegal guns are the leading cause of death of young African Americans.

  6. Don id a rambling mess and seems so inarticulate with well thought out responses and attacks.

    She takes good swipes and leaves the door open for attack and Trump is reacting instead of attacking.

    She is attacking an Don is rambling

  7. She’s worried about people on the “no fly list” buying guns?

    But doesn’t worry about the hundreds of thugs flooding across the southern border.
    Denial ain’t just a river in Africa.

  8. I can’t watch!!! This like the Triple Crown where I wait to find out if the horses got across the finish line without breaking a leg before I watch a recap of the race.

    I trust what you guys say.

    Fingers crossed for a Bingo.

  9. Trump is a large mouth bass chomping at the bait tossed his way. Never expected it. He’s blowing it.

    You and I could do better. I don’t wish to hear about your properties or your endorsements.

  10. who prepared him for this debate ? He is totally fucking it up. ITs a mess-Its a disaster–same fucking shit he always says– I am sorry but he has totally missed his opportunity to crush her on practiclly every single question–I am profoundly disappointed.

  11. It is obvious that Holt is working off of Hillary’s “Trump’s Lies” talking points which the media repeated all weekend. It’s an official media pile on. listen to the laughers and the clappers in the peanut gallery. Their smirking wonk girl is back.

  12. The cybersecurity issue and Hillary bringing up the Russians were big fat softball lobed to Trump for him to knock it out of the park. He is totally unprepared and thinks he can just wing it. He rambles and rambles.

  13. She’s taking credit for “driving Iran to the negotiating table without firing a single shot”.
    Is she nuts?
    Everybody know that the “deal” with Iran is a fucking joke.

  14. Hillary is just giving Trump rope and baiting him and letting him ramble and hang himself. He is in pure reaction mode. He should be attacking the candidate that has so much dirty laundry. Instead she attacks him and lets him react so that it keeps her dirty laundry from getting aired.

    Trump somewhat got her on ISIS but it could’ve been so much better.

  15. Trump did well at times but the politician won this one. His leaning into the mic with, “no” was childish. He missed a huge opportunity to hit her on exposing classed information on her server. Missed a chance to hit her with building a wall to secure the country. Advisers need to clean this act up before the next debate.

  16. Trump looks ridiculous.
    He should have nailed her on these topics:
    -Cybersecurity: a woman who had her own personal server to send out classified information and we want to entrust her with cybersecurity

    -Russia and cybersecurity: HRC came to State wiht her plan to “Reset” Russia relations. What happened? Now you’re attacking and accusing them. I thought you reset relations.

    -ISIS: you opened the door for ISIS and left our guys in Libya to die because of the chaos you created. The foreign policy she was behind has been a disaster at every turn.

    THese topics were so ready to be hit out of the park. If he didn’t do it tonight, he probably won’t be able to later in the debates.

    Victory to HRC. If anybody is kind of fence riding this election, HRC came off much better tonight and won the debate.

  17. Anyone on this comment stream could have disemboweled Hillary tonight.

    Trump FAILED.

    disappointment. It’s what’s for dinner.

    I had to turn it off. Guts are churning. Considering another 8 years of this has mind spinning about selling the homestead and fading into a non person

    So many blown opportunities to take this bitch down and trump was trying to sell me a time share.

  18. Listen up, friends, this is not an ordinary election year at all. She just reconfirmed for me (and I’m sure a majority of Americans) that she is just a slick pol who will keep us going in the wrong direction. He missed some opportunities, but there will be other opportunities. She’s the one who called him names and debased him in ways that should never be acceptable to Americans.

  19. Early polls have Trump winning Yuge. I’m not so sure. First time I’ve seen him really nervous. But he’s always rambled. I guess he survived and he’s a quick study. If he spoke as well as Donald Jr he’d have this shit wrapped up.

  20. Make America great again. But not a great debate. A lot of personal attacks. Hillary lied a lot and Donald did not step on her enough. Her claim of greatness as Senator for NY, was bullshit.
    He could have banged her on that. I’ll give the win to Donald.

  21. The truth is, he got A LOT of shots in, but he tends to ramble and digress rather than just give short jabs and leave it alone.
    He’s cursed with the fact that his style is to repeat himself.
    He’s like Jimmy 2-Times in Goodfellas – I’m gonna get the papers, get the papers.

  22. She just used that wipe to erase Trump. He was not prepared at all. He could have taken her down at least 10 different times and he didn’t. He treated this debate like a rally. It was the wrong approach. If he doesn’t learn from this, he’s finished. God help us.

  23. Clinton’s bus boy – Obama.

    AAGH! He mentioned Rosie O’Donnell. Egad!

    Trump was scatter gun but he hit the mark most of the time.

    Hellary was passive aggressive most of the time and it didn’t work so well.

  24. If you watch it with your filters on, he did fine- according to my friends on Facebook. (I didn’t watch)
    And when they start the fact checking of hillary’s lies, it’s not going to be good for her.
    She can do all the smirking and blinking she wants. Facts are facts.

  25. Drudges poll hasn’t updated since the debate barely began.
    I smell shenanigans because everyone knew trump was going to come up the winner there.
    So the freakin hackers shut it down.

  26. Love ya Abby. But Trump totally blew it tonight. Maybe he should stop talking and do more listening to Kellyanne and Bannon.

    Disregard Hillary’s happy talk and rip off her mask.

    But Reagan lost his first debate against Mondale. But hope is fading.

    Anyone want to buy a nice property in Virginia on 6 acres with a fully equipped wood shop/man cave with televisions and a beer fridge?

  27. Yeah, I don’t know, could he have held back on purpose? I mean he’s a master troll artist and I just can’t see why he would miss so many opportunities like that unless it was on purpose.

  28. He’s a businessman and not a politician.
    This is his first one on one debate.
    She’s done this 15 times (via Meghan Kelly).

    Talking heads right now saying he did OK and didn’t really hurt himself. They said Hillary did a smug shoulders shimmy?

  29. It doesn’t take much to take Hillary down, especially if facts matter. She was the same-old, same-old that every politician projects when they have nothing to offer but words. Trump was off his best, but Hillary did not score any blows, and provided no new inspiration for her cause. Personal attacks will not prevail. Nod goes to Trump

  30. AA, you are right, she went low first, and stayed low. She mugged and smirked and got all of her Trump smears teed up or asked in the form of a question. She had her whooping gallery and no doubt her earpearl buddies. They are going to do this same cycle forctge next two debates: Clinton releases smear list, MSM amplifies smear list, Debate mods turn smear list into questions. It became almost cartoonish after a point.

    Trump will not win a single debate. But he will win the election.

  31. I can’t believe it, but I completely agree with Charles Krauthammer.

    There was going to be no information exchanged that changed anyone’s mind. We’ve heard them on the issues.

    This was about taking a peek at how they looked and acted.
    On demeanor Hillary edged Trump.
    But because Trump didn’t make any gaffes, or go berserk or say anything stupid, he won.

  32. “He probably really didn’t think that she would bald face lie through the whole thing and the commentator would keep giving her a pass.”

    Oh no he knew. He dealt with that with the FOX moderators and he knows the LSM is in the bag for illary. And who don’t know she’s a liar? lol

  33. I am pretty sure that what we saw tonight was all the Hill has to offer. She pulled the woman card trigger much too soon. She keep that canard up, that’s for sure. This could have gone much much worse.Trump should start training tonight!!

  34. I agree Cunt (I just wanted to type that),

    He weathered her best and came out unscathed.
    Round two should be pummeling after some coaching.
    And the next one won’t be during Monday Night Football.

  35. @MJA. but tonight was worse than that. He stalled while lingering over his real estate successes. He didn’t call out Hillary for the deaths, the failures.

    I’ll say it again

    Any author on this blog or even a lowly commenter on this thread could have laid waste to Hillary. Trump was a no show tonight.

    Did everyone forget her deplorable lying, her serial illegality?

    Trump needs to up his game significantly.

    Could not he even utter the hanging curveball “what difference does it make?”

    No longer sure trump is in it to win it.

  36. By the way, I know a guy who doesn’t tell “big stories.”
    He was present on an airplane, a party plane, when Mark Cuban gave a guy a blowjob.
    After hearing this story, observing Cuban, it is very, very clear that Cuban is a closet case.

  37. BFH: “I can’t believe it, but I completely agree with Charles Krauthammer.

    There was going to be no information exchanged that changed anyone’s mind. We’ve heard them on the issues.

    This was about taking a peek at how they looked and acted.
    On demeanor Hillary edged Trump.
    But because Trump didn’t make any gaffes, or go berserk or say anything stupid, he won.”

    Exactly what I just hanged up with my sister dicussing.

  38. OK either you can believe he froze like a boxed dinner, or he’s saving the shit for the last debate.
    I don’t know what to tell you.

    Neither drew blood and clearly everyone wanted Trump to cut her head off like a Highlander but he didn’t. So now what? Are you going to vote any differently?

    Call it even and send them back to their corners. He’s still Trump and she’s still a lying bitch.

  39. Cuban got really lucky and bailed out of the Silicon Valley melt down moments before it melted down. Make no mistake this guy got lucky. Lots smarter people than him didn’t see it coming, neither did he. He wishes he could play the game like Trump. He can’t.

  40. Trump mentioned something before the debate started about not preparing so much. Maybe he’s just setting the bitch up for the next fight. If they adjust her coaching to this debate and then he’s switches it up a bit, he can get her on the ropes next time.

    Plus, the liver can only take so much of whatever they are pumping into Hillary to keep her from coughing and going all haywire. Don’t think she will be as shiny next time.

  41. No @MJA. we are voting anti Hillary. It’s about discrediting her, making others realize that she’s working for herself, not them. You don’t win by preaching to the choir. It’s your national stage to persuade others to join your movement. Donald didn’t do that tonight.

    Opportunity squandered.

    But there are two more.

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