Trump’s America – CNN Writer Restates Trump’s Vision As If I’m Supposed To Be Horrified – IOTW Report

Trump’s America – CNN Writer Restates Trump’s Vision As If I’m Supposed To Be Horrified


In Donald Trump’s America, undocumented immigrants will be deported en masse, Arab Americans will be racially profiled and the United States will “bomb the s— out of ISIS.”

In Trump’s America, foreign Muslims will be banned from the US, Syrian refugees sent back to their war-torn country and free trade agreements torn to shreds. And, of course, the US will build a “great wall” on the US-Mexico border, which Mexico will have to pay for.
In Trump’s America, the US attorney general will push to indict the president’s general election rival.
When do we begin??
Do I believe this will all get done?
Well, if Trump doesn’t do it, it probably will never be done, so why the handwringing over the candidates that “might have been”?
I will, however, keep an open mind about a future candidate that rises up in 4 years and promises to implement right-wing policies that Trump failed to fulfill, if that is the case. That’s called the political process.
In the meantime, my energies will go toward pushing Trump to go as far as possible with his campaign promises, and not toward undermining him on hour one in order to get a different president when that president might not be necessary in 4 years. If we get Trump to implement “Trump’s America” why wouldn’t we reelect him? Because we don’t like him personally? That’s pretty stupid. I don’t need to like the person doing my bidding. If you’re interested in “people you personally like” you can go cruising for that.
I’m finding the buttons and avatars pushing for the election of (fill in the blank) in 2020 pretty repulsive considering we haven’t seen the president elect in action.

13 Comments on Trump’s America – CNN Writer Restates Trump’s Vision As If I’m Supposed To Be Horrified

  1. The demonstrations – riots – are unfortunate. The result of media misinformation being pounded into the tiny minds of progressives.

    I hope Trump just drops out of the Paris agreement on global warming. He can do that on day one. Just say no and UP Yours global warming sheep dip.

  2. The “riots” are bought and paid for by George Soros, The Revolutionary Communists Bob Avakian and Carl Dix, with help from Podesta and the DNC. They ain’t foolin’ no one. Scumbags!

  3. (reporters rant):To which I reply: Aaand your point is???? Oh,that was your point? (Uncontrollable laughter)Bwaaaaaaawawawawawae,wipe tears of laughter from eyes. Cough,while trying to catch breath.

  4. The wall terrifies liberals. I have a liberal co-worker ask me repeatedly today if he was going to build the wall. He said it would bankrupt the US. I told him sounds like those shovel ready jobs you Dems love and do you know how much money is wired back to Mexico from US – just add a fee and pay for it that way. I told him my guess was Trump was going to focus on getting illegals in the legal system out of the country. This CNN listener told me illegals don’t commit crimes like Americans and he didn’t know the term sanctuary cities.

    It was like talking to someone that lives on another planet.

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