Trump’s Approval Trumps Obama’s – IOTW Report

Trump’s Approval Trumps Obama’s

Truth Revolt: A higher approval rating than Obama at the same time in presidency.

ou wouldn’t know it from the nonstop parade of bad news stories and the focus on polls of approval ratings that show President Donald Trump failing miserably, but the only ongoing national daily tracking poll on presidential approval shows Donald Trump is currently ahead of where Barack Obama was at the same time in their respective presidencies.

Rasmussen Reports polls 500 likely American voters each night and releases a daily tally of the most recent three nights. Their polling on this issue goes back more than a decade. read more

9 Comments on Trump’s Approval Trumps Obama’s

  1. Imagine for just a moment that the media was neutral and actually did their jobs by reporting the news and left their opinions to the editorial page of the paper. Think about what Trumps numbers would have been today as well as what Obama’s would have looked like a year ago.

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