Trump’s Neurological Problems – IOTW Report

Trump’s Neurological Problems

29 Comments on Trump’s Neurological Problems

  1. Did they ever figure out what kind of pulmonary facilities were in Chelsea’s apartment that allowed her mother to recover from that episode of super-mega-ultra pneumonia in just 90 minutes?

    Because my mother had a similar episode and she was in the hospital for a week. Shouldn’t the Clintons be sharing the secrets of Chelsea’s Pulmonary Ward apartment with the rest of America?

  2. And what sort of psychosis would cause all my sisters to keep insisting that Hillary had a case of pneumonia and that I’m nuts to suggest that it was a seizure that caused Hillary to have the same mobility as a sack of groceries in that video

    After all, they were aware of my mother’s hospitalization …. weren’t they?

  3. Just goes to show the democrats still have no original content. Ever been in an argument with one? Here’s a typical response, “I know you are, but what am I?”

  4. Callmelennie, the MSM explanation for the medical equipment stuff is that a previous tenant was in some sort of medical business. I dunno. But I do wonder if the fire at Chappaqua was faulty medical equipment, and not the modern incarnation of the Rose Law Firm billing records.

  5. “And what sort of psychosis would cause all my sisters to keep insisting that Hillary had a case of pneumonia…”

    Callmelennie, I’m surprised your sisters didn’t catch sympathy pneumonia, too. All of Clinton’s staff was sick with it. WaPo, Vanity Fair, People, Business Insider, The Hill and just about every other MSM outlet rushed the “mass pneumonia” story out on 9/12.

  6. I just saw the episode of The Crown where a fatigued President Kennedy and Jackie were being injected with amphetamines to keep them going. I immediately thought of that Hillary video of her getting thrown into the car, and how 6 hours later she is doing cartwheels in the street.

  7. I’m convinced that Killery is under a regimen of Dr. Feelgood. No other way to explain how she went from being pitched headlong into a waiting van by people who knew exactly what to do and emerging a mere hour and half later looking for all the world like she’d just been to a day spa to work out the kinks. All that head bobbing, uncontrolled, wild-eyed gazing and momentary disconnect from reality? Drugs.

  8. Tony R — Yes. The list of Jacobson’s patients is shocking. In their book, “Dr. Feelgood”, authors Lertzman and Birnes write about how after one of Jacobson’s injections, President Kennedy ran naked through the hallways of the Carlyle hotel.

  9. MJA — The guys who wrote “Dr. Feelgood” weren’t writing it to expose Kennedy and the long list of other celebs/artists/writers/politicians, they were trying to tell the story of actor Robert Cummings and how he ended up destitute after such a storied acting career. Cummings was just one of Jacobson’s addicts. Take a look at the book on Amazon. Crazy stuff. I just don’t see how this has not continued. Lots of people try to find a shortcut to boosting their performance beyond their competition.

  10. Oh, and “Dr. Feelgood” was the code name given Jacobson by Kennedy’s Secret Service detail. “Mrs. Dunn” was the code name given Kennedy — whenever Mrs. Dunn was calling, Jacobson knew it was the president’s staff calling.

  11. “Is she still wearing that boot? lol”

    Yes, along with John McCain and about 3 other politicians. I read a article today saying Jeff Flake was just fitted with one. It’s an epidemic.

  12. @I’m not PC January 9, 2018 at 8:00 am

    “You don’t get to be rich if your severely mentally ill.”

    I’m not Harvey Weinstein, and I approve this message.


    The human slinky wobbled and fell in New York on 911!

    But CNN reported it was hot that day (81 degrees) and she suffered a heat injury, yet not a single person did ANY of the required FIRST AID for someone suffering a heat injury. Nor did a Presidential candidate go to the hospital. But came out and breathed all over a little girl for a photo-op b/c the story changed that she had pneumonia.

    Hmph. Seems legit.

  14. We almost suffered a “I’m with her” pandemic, but thank God the antidote is Trump/MAGA and enough infected liberals were cured in time to help get Mr. Trump elected.

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