Trump’s position on the confederate flag – IOTW Report

Trump’s position on the confederate flag

Does this change anything for a Trump supporter?


33 Comments on Trump’s position on the confederate flag

  1. We have a 3rd world illegal alien invasion. We have gotten the short end of the stick on trade deals. No other candidate is even talking about fixing those issues.

    Trump can be pro-choice, he can be pro-mandate, he can be a socialist for all I care.

    If the invasion isn’t stopped, if the trade deals don’t get fixed, the middle class is dead. If the middle class dies, so does the country.

  2. Until I hear him say that on second thought the “syrian refugees can stay” and a wall isn’t necessary, crap(and I call BS on anyone challenging a state flag) like this doesn’t matter.

    What he thinks or does about the Confederate Flag isn’t going to mean shit if we don’t have a country.

  3. It’s a great answer if he wants to go for the black vote in the general election. How many people look upon the worship of the Confederate flag as a deal breaker? It’s not like he dissed the flag nor said it was a symbol of racism like Oblahblah. He just said the obvious, i.e. that it was time to move on from it, implying that it’s too politically sensitive and divisive to cling to it if most of the people in the state didn’t want it anymore.

  4. I find it disheartening that Trump followers will bend over backwards to excuse every position liberal or his new slightly left of center. I suspect if he pasted a swastika on his jacket, they would excuse that as well. Not calling any of you Nazis nor am I calling him one but this fawning of him is gross. Perhaps I thought better of those making excuses.

  5. Trump is using an election strategy he learned as a democrat.
    pander to every fringe group and build a coalition out of it.
    He now has the Truthers, Code Pink, and the racists that want the Virginia battle flag (yes, the terminally stupid call it the Confederate flag, and most of them would not recognize the Confederate flag if they saw it) to be shown in public.
    That’s OK. As has been said by people, even here, it doesn’t matter if he is a Marxist that will steal our children’s future and prosperity as long as he closes the border.

  6. Glok — “Not calling any of you Nazis nor am I calling him one but this fawning of him is gross. Perhaps I thought better of those making excuses. ”

    In a weird way I’ll take this as a compliment. Thank you.

  7. @John ~ The Army of Northern Virginia’s battle flag was square, and adopted from the Confederate Naval Ensign, which is the rectangular one everyone today assumes is ‘the Confederate flag’

  8. That’s totally unfair JohnS.

    Trump’s “coalition” are Americans that want this country to stop being on the wrong side of a trade war, close our country to the moslim invasion, close our southern border and deal with the 25 million illegals here.

    I’d say that us pretty much mainstream citizens. So how you go from that to calling us a gathering of fringe group crazies is something I guess only the mind of Cruzbot can fathom.

    Why are we fringe when basically what we want is for our traditions and culture to stay American. I don’t think people should be allowed here with the intent of us accommodating them. That’s fringe

  9. Since I’ve been here MM crackhead always mentions magnum, He’s obsessed with this magnum character. Magnum must have been crackhead MM’s gay lover who left him for someone else and crackhead MM can’t get over it!

  10. Refreshing to me that a man actually stands up there and says what is on his heart, not giving us a string of BS, drumming up voters by saying what they want to hear. We had a governor in our state that was a complete asshole. The nice thing about him was if he said his was for something you could believe him, if he was against something you knew that too. He served 12 years and then ran for congress. This is why i like trump, he doesnt kiss @ss. Without a wall, we are finished.

  11. MM, it’s not a matter of “fair.”
    gock is being as much of a trolling a§$h*le as boom.
    They (mostly boom) write like 12 year olds.

    If there’s any “fawning” going on,
    I’ve seen it from Cruz supporters (mostly elsewhere).

  12. MM I didn’t say that the pro border people were fringe. They are anything but.
    My point is that he is trying to expand his base by going for the fringe.
    I will say, however, that pro border control Republicans that would accept a Marxist are also a fringe group. And, a very strange fringe group at that.

  13. What Mr. Trump has said bothers me not. While not one of his supporters, he still has my respect. He can say what ever he wants. Like so many people in the U.S., he has little knowledge about the War between the Union and the Confederacy. It is a false narrative to think that the flag is cause of oppression in the black community. This is to focus you on less important issues.

    If every flag, monument, plaque, bust or grave marker was instantly removed tomorrow, how would if benefit the perpetually aggrieved? Would absent fathers reunited with their wives and children. Would black on black (or black on white) crime decrease? What would be different?

  14. bayouwulf, I’m sorry to hear about that. If Mississippi were to remove that part of their flag they would be left with three horizontal stripes and a big empty square.

    Arkansas has a star on its state flag that represents the Confederacy, and it’s not going anywhere.

    We should never have to redesign a state flag just to please a minority that doesn’t know how to shut its mouth and stop complaining about everything. History is history, it doesn’t go away and there’s no need to hide it.

    If they can take down one state flag, they could do the same thing to all the rest. The Left has a billion entitlement claims and fantasy grievances at their disposal.

  15. Oh don’t get so upset over this. In a few days he will get on twitter to “clarify what he meant” so he can appease both haters and the lovers, and then maybe threaten to sue someone or boycott something and it will all be forgotten.

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