Trump’s SCOTUS List is a Who’s Who of Solid Conservatism – IOTW Report

Trump’s SCOTUS List is a Who’s Who of Solid Conservatism

Well, that should quell some of the fears that #NeverTrumpers have that Trump is a stealth progressive running a year-long charade. Of course, the most strident will say his list is a charade and if he wins he will about face and appoint Michael Moore to the Supreme Court.


Today, Trump announced a list of potential Supreme Court nominees – and it’s pretty much everything a conservative activist could hope for. “This list,” Trump’s Facebook announcement was careful to emphasize, “was compiled, first and foremost, based on constitutional principles, with input from highly respected conservatives and Republican party leadership.”

The nature of Trump’s supreme court appointments doesn’t come entirely out of the blue. In March, Trump said that he would effectively delegate his potential supreme court nominations to the conservative Heritage Foundation. Whether or not the list he presented today was literally compiled by the think tank, it certainly could have been. Trump’s list does not just seek to appeal to the Republican establishment ideologically. One of those mentioned, Thomas Lee, is the brother of influential Utah Senator Mike Lee.

Most of the judges picked, as Trump’s announcement was careful to note, clerked for conservative supreme court justices like Clarence Thomas, Antonin Scalia or William Rehnquist. The exceptions generally have some other clear signal of commitment to conservative constitutional values on their CV. For example, Texas supreme court Judge Don Willett served in the administrations of several conservative Texas governors.


Of course many have noted today that Don Willett doesn’t seem to like Trump. His Twitter feed is filled with jabs at Trump, all with mockulatory tone.

Gee, Don. I guess Trump is an idiot after all, huh? He picked you.  How absolutely foolish of him!



19 Comments on Trump’s SCOTUS List is a Who’s Who of Solid Conservatism

  1. They said, “One notable thing about Trump’s list is their lack of diversity”

    Fuck them. This “diversity is our strength” is bullshit. I’m sick of hearing it. It’s a GD lie. And choosing someone for a job with any consideration AT ALL given to their skin color or sexual organs has to stop.

  2. It’s a pity Ted Cruz and Donald Trump loathe each other now. Cruz would be brilliant as a Supreme Court justice. Certainly, he’d be my first pick.

  3. Trump should not respond to their complaints about an all white list.

    But if he did, he should say that he doesn’t recruit anyone based on sex or race, just qualifications. And he should also point out that they seem obsessed with race and isn’t it a little racist to be so fixated on what race people are, and not on qualifications? Isn’t that the definition of racism???

  4. We’re going to go slow with adding the kitchen sink.
    I have to resist satisfying the requests by the readers
    as they are made.
    That’s what gets me in trouble and what makes the site hinky.
    I add so many widgets and “off-brand” 3rd party plugins that it
    becomes a mess.
    So we’re going to do this in stages, adding something in a couple of weeks and then seeing how that reacts with the template.
    If it gets screwy I know which plugin or widget it was.

  5. Considering Trumps choices in the people he has supported, the Heritage Foundation is vastly more qualified than he to make such choices.
    As to the site changes, the text box is no longer slow, I can type at full speed in it now.
    It sometimes freezes after loading the IOTW banner and has to be refreshed.

  6. Uh. OK. FWIW, I don’t much care for the new layout. It is easier to get to the stories themselves, but I can’t see a comment count on a story, TU a story, and the flat appearance is well, flat – one feature that drove me from frequently checking the Daily Caller; there’s no focus to the page, just a blast of information. I haven’t checked it on the ipad yet. On the phone right now.

    Good luck with the re-format. Better you than me 🙂

  7. Comment count is there. It’s the number next to the talk bubble.

    I explained above how and why we are going to go slow in introducing the features everyone liked on the previous template.

    Access to lots of story choices is important above the fold.
    Excerpts are also important.

  8. BFH, I think Trump picked Willett *because* of the mockulatory twitter. Brilliant move. I bet it shuts the Willett mock down yesterday. And the Ball is in Willett’s court now to out up or shut up. All without a single angry word or insult from Trump.

  9. On his hour-long interview last night with Hannity, it was disclosed that the Federalist Society was a main contributor to the list of proposed justices.

    I was surprised not to see Trump’s sister, Maryanne (sp?), on the list! /s

    Yoo of NR was quick to write a grudging assent to Trump’s choices, but couldn’t resist using their platform to suggest Trump chose jurists from battleground states and said Trump cannot be trusted to “flip flop” on them. Yoo should vote for Killery; that way he will not lose sleep worrying about her doing an about face on her choices.

  10. Excellent pre-emptive strike by Trump. The list shows his Team methodically vetted names before throwing them out. Excellent preview of his POTUS operational style we should expect.

    The #NeverTrumpsters that keep denying Trump their support better get ready for the scorn they will have richly earned after release of this list.

    Not holding my breath waiting on Hillary to release her list of potential SCOTUS nominees. Hillary will release her SCOTUS list after she releases all her emails, along with the list of Clinton foundation donors over $1Million. /sarc off

    Trump 2016

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