Trump’s “Whining” Gives Him National Bounce in Fox Poll – IOTW Report

Trump’s “Whining” Gives Him National Bounce in Fox Poll

Trump was ridiculed for whining about rigged elections and having votes stolen from him. Cruz supporters pointed and laughed that Trump was too stupid to know the system.

But it seems his “hissy fit” campaign might have paid dividends. He’s seeing a bounce in the polls.


A Fox News poll showing Donald Trump has widened his lead nationally in the race for the Republican presidential nomination comes on the heels of the real-estate billionaire’s condemnation of the Colorado GOP decision to elect delegates to the party convention without holding a popular vote.

Trump leaped from a three-point lead three weeks ago to an 18-point lead over Sen. Ted Cruz in the latest national poll by the network. The survey showed Trump leading the Texas senator 45-27 percent among GOP primary voters, with Ohio Gov. John Kasich third with 25 percent.


46 Comments on Trump’s “Whining” Gives Him National Bounce in Fox Poll

  1. Gee…I just don’t GET it…
    …WHY would Americans rally around a guy
    – who just by coincidence happens to be leading in the delegate count…DESPITE the Party and candidates throwing everthing AND the kitchen sink at him to stop him
    they see getting screwed over by the establishment Party in a desperate attempt to maintain the Status Quo?

    Gee…I wonder….

  2. Trump reminds me of Charlie Sheen’s idea of what constitutes winning. When his campaign for the Republican nomination has run its full course, there won’t be any question what the definition of the FULL CATASTROPHE means.

  3. When the USA moves away from election by registered validated voters to pick and choose by the highest bidder with money going to personal pockets, aka, Clinton Cartel;, the Republic is lost. Trump is correct. The Whiners, whether Dhimmos or RINOs know this and just try to obfuscate that…

  4. TO DurkaDurka
    Yep. Here’s how Trump described it:

    “Mr. Cruz has toured the country bragging about his voterless victory in Colorado. For a man who styles himself as a warrior against the establishment (you wouldn’t know it from his list of donors and endorsers), you’d think he would be demanding a vote for Coloradans. Instead, Mr. Cruz is celebrating their disenfranchisement.

    Likewise, Mr. Cruz loudly boasts every time party insiders disenfranchise voters in a congressional district by appointing delegates who will vote the opposite of the expressed will of the people who live in that district.

    That’s because Mr. Cruz has no democratic path to the nomination. He has been mathematically eliminated by the voters.”


  5. It’s not a reaction to what Trump says. It’s the public’s reaction to the media’s and the GOP’s negative reaction to whatever Trump says. Just like when the media praise Hitlery, the public emits a collective boo/hiss.

  6. How do you explain the polls that show most women and men in the Republican Party don’t like Trump? How can anyone get elected without the full support of a major political party? Ask H. Ross Perot how that worked out.

  7. Well, duh. What happened to Trump in Colorado is of a piece with everything that is happening to all of us everywhere.

    It’s all about a tiny group seeking to protect themselves and other tiny groups by ramming ideas, laws, social mores, and people that the majority of us don’t like down our throats. One day it’s Ted Cruz getting delegates he doesn’t deserve. Another day it’s the adoption of a “pee-wherever-it–makes-you-happy” policy/law. In New York State, we are all going to have to pay an additional tax to fund paid maternity/paternity leave if Gov. Douchey-Douche has his way.

    For all his wealth, I consider Donald Trump to be a great populist. He gets it in ways that other candidates do not. This is why my daily newspaper of choice, the New York Post, just endorsed him.

  8. For those who care about polls, what about all the polls that show Trump losing to either Hillary or Bernie?
    If winning is important, and you care about polls, why haven’t you kicked Trump to the curb?

  9. The ability and power to coerce others can never generate a moral obligation within those coerced. Taking anything by force, deception, or any other means than having permission will instill outrage. As I’ve said before it isn’t the 34 delegates it is how it was accomplished. (never shit in a place you can’t reach to clean)

  10. You’re right Menderman, once Trump secures the nomination, this shit has to stop. Or vice versa if that somehow happens.

    You know Hillary is loving this as it gives the left dominated media an excuse not to focus on the nightmare of a campaign she’s involved with.

    As for CO, now isn’t the time to be picking over this corpse. The time was last August when CO did away with even the pretense of their caucus vote where they eliminated the oh so popular non binding straw poll. I wasn’t there for the first time in over 40 years but I don’t remember one acquaintance writing and telling me they had been disenfranchised. And I have a bunch of politically active friends there.

  11. McCain and Palin were Hopeless and Hapless personified. Romney failed to finish off Obama when he had him on the ropes after he won the first debate. More importantly, the MSM were in the tank for Obumbler. Remember who started the phony “War on Women” charade? Guess what? They are going to be even further in the tank for Clinton. Trump has said more stupid and insulting things than any candidate for anything in the history of American politics. The voters are going to be reminded of Trump’s failings every hour of every day until he will be unelectable. He will take down so many Republicans that he will make Goldwater look like a great success story. After that, we will be treated to years of Trump reminding us of how stupid Americans were to not vote for the greatest builder with the greatest towers, hottest wives, best golf courses, biggest airplane, tastiest steaks, and a really big penis. If he was electable I’d support him, because I can’t stand the Clintons, but the man can’t even manage his presidential campaign. He’s the FULL CATASTROPHE in an election year when the Republicans could have run the table on the Democrats.

  12. well I will cast my vote-if I win–I win, if I loose–then I loose. But I will always be a proud vet that served my country to my best ability.
    have a nice day. 🙂

  13. TO Menderman
    “Winning without Cruz supporters?”

    Well, first of all, I suspect more Cruz supporters than you imagine will support Trump in the General.

    * blacks disgusted with Dem abuse
    * even more disgusted LEGAL latinos
    * more than a handful of guys like this
    * and add to that many, many Sanders supporters who, out of disgust for their Establishment shill-Hillary, will jump ship to Trump

    Yeah, I see it.

  14. Menderman, while I respect your tenacity and consistency, the SC story you are peddling is crap.

    SC voters voted in every District. Whichever candidate won the most in each District won the three Delegates. Trump got all the Districts, if I remember correctly, and therefore got all the Delegates. No votes were denied.

    To compare that to Colorado is apples to oranges to horsehockey.

  15. “He could make Hillary veep and it would be a lock.”

    “Keep your friends close …
    and your enemies closer.”

    The Republic is DEAD.

    What difference, after all this time, does it make?

    Mr. Trump may retard the debacle – no one else can … or will … even make the attempt.

    izlamo delenda est …

  16. Wow!
    So Trump really is popular with the hard left.
    They probably know the truth about him. After all, Trump supported de Blasio for Mayor, and has spent his life helping leftists.
    Keep up the good work Czar. Showing Trump to be popular with Socialists and Communists should convince a lot of Republicans that he is the guy to put in the white house.

  17. To answer Menderman’s “how can trump win?” question,

    “Who are Trump’s supporters? Many assume these individuals are simply older, whiter, poorer, and more conservative than other GOP voters. But surprisingly, these assumptions aren’t entirely accurate. Among Republican leaners, Trump has roughly even support across all age brackets (with a slight upward blip among Boomers). A substantial share of minorities support him—particularly Hispanic Republicans (31%) who were hit hard by the Recession and want to end illegal immigration. Ideologically, Trump pulls support from voters across the GOP spectrum: According to a YouGov poll, only 12% of his supporters describe themselves as “very conservative.” Meanwhile, 20% of his supporters are “liberal” or “moderate.” He’s also doing about as well among evangelical voters (even better than Cruz) as non-evangelicals.”



    To JohnS

    To quote Whoopie from BlurBrain, “Contradiction, cognitive dissonance and the hypocrisy it engenders is their [the Left’s] holy sacrament.” YOU HAVE LEARNED THEIR LESSONS WELL. You fool NO ONE here.

  18. Nevergop. That is not the point. The issue is that Trump and his supporters are actively driving Cruz, Rubio and Kasich supporters away. Implicit in that is that they are not wanted.
    So, the question of how Trump can win without them is valid.
    The response to that question is always either “You have to vote for him or Hillary will win”, or more recently “The left stands behind us, so kiss off”.

  19. More lies and disinformation from JohnS.

    YOUR desperation suggests YOU are more likely to be among the “childless single men who masturbate to anime,” not I.

  20. I was at the Trump rally in Syracuse today. It was a good time, friendly people, LOUD. Trump is very ordinary and everyday in person. He doesn’t have that invisible wall that you feel with EVERY politician. He is simply, there. It doesn’t turn on and off. The speech was much like his other rallys lately, but I expected that and didn’t mind at all. There were about 6500 people there, and some still entering when he took the stage.

    There were not many protesters, inside or out. The police handled it well.

  21. Trump just rose approximately 11 points in the polls and Cruz just dropped by the same amount.
    And yet JohnS the Insult Troll is still insulting people. I guess you got to go with what you’re good at. Voters are moving to Trump and away from Cruz. That’s a fact.

  22. TO Bad Brad

    Don’t hurt JohnS’ feelings!

    He isn’t just good at insulting! HE

    * deflects
    * projects
    * deceives
    * spreads disinformation
    * spreads half-truths
    * seeds cognitive dissonance
    * contradicts himself repeatedly with hypocritical claims

    and much, much more!

    He’s a good, little, divisive GOPe mole.

  23. Yes, Cruz is a narcissistic jerk – and exactly why he will likely quit before Cleveland. Narcissists don’t often commit suicide.
    — Bill Mitchell (@mitchellvii) April 15, 2016

    I’m going on record as predicting CRUZ QUITS BEFORE CLEVELAND in a magnanimous gesture to save the Party gaining future leverage & goodwill.
    — Bill Mitchell (@mitchellvii) April 15, 2016

    Very interesting take. I think he’s on to something

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