Trust No One – IOTW Report

Trust No One

11 Comments on Trust No One

  1. I, long ago, made food professionally. We never used non-stick or cast iron. Everything pot and pan wise was stainless steel. We also used to cook things a lot slower. Lower heat.

    Sear fast when the food calls for it, but cook it slowly.

    I almost always find modern cookbooks say something takes 3 minutes to cook when it really takes 30 minutes.

    Something was lost in the translation 30 or more years ago.

  2. Our half chickens, and whole chickens, and chicken titties were already cooked before we grilled them. That wasn’t expedience, that was common sense. At least I thought so.

    We had our family master griller, Dave, just about kill the entire family by putting raw chicken titties on the grill.

    Look, do it anyway you want, but we in MD had to go to a class that REALLY made sense. The ONLY class that made total sense. We all had to do a class on not fucking up food when we worked for some shithole that made food. Don’t put 50 pounds of chicken titties in hot water to thaw them. Don’t put cabbages in the same sink you thawed chicken titties without scientifically cleaning the sink.

    Don’t eat the yellow snow!

  3. Actually, you trust every time you cruise through an intersection.
    You trust when you squeeze the toothpaste onto your toothbrush.

    It’s only when we stop to consider that we have trust issues.

    “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.”
    (Proverbs 3:5)

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. ecp Saturday, 13 January 2024, 23:33 at 11:33 pm

    Cast iron, 100% Find yourself a nice Griswold, Eire, or Wagner. Lodge is horse balls.

    Flip over that Lodge skillet and see where it’s made – it’s made in the USA and WalMart sells it. I have my grandma’s Griswold Dutch oven and skillets – never a soap sud has touched it. My nit wit former DIL stuck hers in the dishwasher…….. 🙁

  5. Odd shaped Wagners & Griswalds {vintage} used to be very collectable back in the 90’s. Good yard sale find for Ebay in the day.Seller BUTTHEADICUS been doing it for 25 years with over 7000 auctions.

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