Truth About the Ukraine War – IOTW Report

Truth About the Ukraine War

9 Comments on Truth About the Ukraine War

  1. We were ready to have World War III in 1962 because the Soviets put misiles in Cuba. But when we do the same thing to Russia, we can’t figure out why they are unhappy.

    Granted, the war in Ukraine benefits the defense contractors. Maybe a war in 1962 would have done the same thing. (Maybe when that didn’t work they brought us Viet Nam.)

  2. Although all true, he left this out; the “Kompromat” (embarrassing materials used as a weapon of influence through blackmail) Ukraine has on Biden.

    The Biden crime family profited immensely through monies funneled from Burisma, these transactions were facilitated by Ukraine on one end and Biden on the other. Any disruption of foreign aid to Ukraine risks the ire of the little naked piano player, can’t have that.


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