Truth in Advertising? – IOTW Report

Truth in Advertising?

I was driving home this after noon after running up to Duluth, MN for a new pair of glasses and a weed whacker among other items (its the nearest city of any size).  Among the many ads for fireworks along Hwy 53 in Wisconsin was a home made hand lettered  sign for “Three Finger Fireworks” just outside of the Superior city limits.

Getting home I discover they have a Facebook page. It’s not some dark joke, these people are actually promoting the potential that the product they are sell just might remove a couple of your digits.  Think I’m joking?  Check out this picture  – I believe it’s their mascot.

Three Fingers Fire Works Here

Let’s take this as a reminder to all be careful this 4th of July, OK?   It’s hard enough avoiding typos with all 10 working fingers.

7 Comments on Truth in Advertising?

  1. Fireworks are fun.
    If you’re too dumb to play with em – don’t.

    In my limited experience, most fireworks accidents had alcohol involved at some level. Others were just plain stupid; there was a kid back in MS who had a pocketful of firecrackers while he played with sparklers, for instance.

    izlamo delenda est …

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