Try to Remember – IOTW Report

Try to Remember

Try to remember the kind of September
When life was slow and oh, so mellow
Search your memory for early this February
When spinach was green and your briefs were yellow.


It’s been three weeks since a massive toxic train derailment happened in the rural town of East Palestine, Ohio.

The optics have been terrible, while the outrage has been understandable.

American’s from all over the country were sympathetic to the residents who appeared to not be getting any answers or help from pretty much anyone. Be it the EPA, the Department of Transportation, the state or even the federal government, the help has been scarce while the worry has been massive.

To make matters worst, President Biden appeared completely lost when asked by reporters if he would be traveling to Ohio to either show some support or see firsthand how the recovery efforts are going. MORE

18 Comments on Try to Remember

  1. Oh Lord, what a piece of work. It’s becoming a dem trademark, these incompetent dementia scumbags.

    This is a government?? ala Caligula who made his horse some kind of official, we have “leaders” taking craps in their pants when they meet with state leaders.

    SMOD, come and do it

  2. Someone mentioned Atlas Shrugged in the comments a few days back. And it is, indeed, amazingly, depressingly playing out in real life. The footage of Mayor Pete Pot Hole being asked questions as our Secretary of Transportation is a perfect illustration of the abject incompetence and cronyism

  3. biteme et al. are using incompetence so you won’t see the planned destruction

    the biteme crime family seemed to be very competent when it came to biolabs in ukraine, working with/for chyna, and removing prosecutors investigating huntard

    we are being played
    they are not stupid, crazy, or dumb
    they’re EVIL

  4. Now that we have proof positive of how horribly bad a DemonRat administration can be ‘Try to Remember’ that an even worse asshole then Biden was not elected! Guess who(?) and give thanks!

  5. Betcha Sniffer Joe’s underpants are always yellow in front and brown in the back. Hanes should make a special Joe edition of undies, dyed half yellow and half brown, to hide the stains, if not the odor. Of course, Joe would put ’em on backasswards, brown in front, yellow in back, despite detailed operating instructions.

    Advert: Hanes New Hide-A-Stain men’s briefs. Wear ’em A Lot, Never Wash ’em. Perfect for the Senile old farts in your life.

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