Heroic Wyoming boy, 14, is stabbed to death at the mall protecting his young girlfriends from balaclava-clad creeps stalking them.

Robert Dean Maher, 14, died after he was stabbed twice in the stomach with a stolen kitchen knife at Eastridge Mall in Casper on Sunday. Dominique Antonio Richard Harris, born in 2008, and Jarreth Joseflee Sabastian Plunkett, born in 2009, were arrested the same day near the mall.
They are charged as adults with felonious conspiracy to commit murder, felonious aggravated assault and battery, and misdemeanor theft, as reported by Cowboy State Daily.
Police responded to the scene after receiving a call about an unconscious boy outside the Hibachi Supreme Buffet in the mall. An affidavit says Maher was stabbed twice during ‘an altercation that just occurred.’
Witnesses told police there was an altercation involving people called ‘JJ’ and Dom.’ The alleged assailants were wearing hooded balaclava-style masks. A teen friend of Maher who accompanied him to the mall said they were there because Maher’s girlfriend had called, saying two males were following her and a friend around the mall. ‘(Maher) then told (his girlfriend) that they were going to the mall to come and keep the girls safe,’ police recorded.
Reading about this further… I can’t help but think his gf is not completely innocent. I could be wrong, but he could have been set up. Not to die, but to at least be suckered into a fight.
We are broken as a society. These events are no longer rare.
I can visualize a circle jerk with all the bystanders pulling out their phones and cheering for a fight. We’re FUBAR.
How come no pictures of the perps?
I don’t even know what to think anymore. Since and I switched to Quantum Fiber a month ago as my internet provider and ditched Xfinity, I not been able to watch any live TV channels anymore, so I watch older programs on ROKU and have not missed Fox News etc. at all and I’m probably calmer and saner and Quantum Fiber has far better internet connectivity.
Coming soon to all US cities, when the sanctuary cities start cutting off benefits to illegals.
BFH, after reading your link I totally agree. She set him up. Little kid games.
“I don’t fight fair”. Good. you’ll need that attitude to survive where you’re going.
More Amish gone wild. You can tell by the names.
These days,every fight has to be treated like it’s to the death.
Nice that onlookers blocked the kid from getting away from his attackers. Seems like some other folks need to share the jail cells there.
Fights like these and joggers like those are a big factor in the deaths of shopping malls too. There’s no effective way to police them any more without being called rayyyciss, so the problem gets worse until shit like this happens, and once the mall had ‘a reputation’, it’s all over for the paying customers.
Good thing this mall isn’t in St. Lewis. They’d end up putting the Target manager in jail…
I had to look up balaclava. It’s an Islamist crime mask that conceals identity. They’re professional criminals.
One of Biden’s friends.
I don’t usually carry, although I have a permit. But that’s about to change.
I don’t recognize America anymore. My 90 yo parents are distraught over what is happening around them, they worry about me and Mr Illustr8r.
I have no reassuring words for them. Can Trump fix, everything? It all seems to be too much.
The lights have gone out on America…
There isn’t a ‘worthwhile’ human-being that wouldn’t praise this guy’s actions to protect what he thought was righteous.
It does sound like a set up.
We had something like this happen in our previously quiet little town.
A little b*tch was playing two guys against each other, and my son’s best friend ended up being murdered.
All because a worthless little c—
needed drama.
The Kids was HERO.
Another good one lost.
I honestly hope that he was not lured there.
Benito the Bandito
You got that right. We kept our kids so busy in sports they never had a chance to get involved in that bull shit. My 13 year old grand daughter had a boy friend. I bit holes in my tongue. Last time I spoke with my daughter I asked her how the boy friend was working out. She laughed and told me that only lasted about three days. My daughter figures the only reason she did it was because she knew her mother was dead set against it. Ah kids. I’m glad that’s over. Or is it?
Ghetto cancer.
15 years old and premeditated murder, nobody blinks an eye.
‘They were seen laughing and pointing as they ran through the parking lot while witnesses attempted first aid,’ said Chief Deputy District Attorney Blaine Nelson of the suspects.
Junior sociopaths.
Yea, I got one I’m worrying about tonight. It never ends.
If it’s as you say, and the girl suckered this young man to his death, then all three (two of whom aren’t pictured……hmmmmm) need to be dragged behind a pickup five miles down a gravel road.
Nah….make it ten miles.
Any remains that remain can be scraped up by the parents for burial in a Tupperware.
“Police respond to the scene after receiving a call about an unconscious boy outside the Hibachi Supreme Buffet in the mall.”
Thanks for adding that so my business dies too!
Missing details means only one thing
kbn = killed by negro(s)