Tucker Carlson and Neil Patel: Understanding the impeachment charade – IOTW Report

Tucker Carlson and Neil Patel: Understanding the impeachment charade


Tucker Carlson and Neil Patel

Washington scandals are moving at a record pace. It was only a week ago that The New York Times launched its unfair hit piece on Brett Kavanaugh. This is the Trump-era news cycle. Scandals that used to go on for months now seem to end in hours. Nothing illustrates this better than the bizarre Ukraine story we’re all living through. A week ago, no one had even heard of it. Then we were on the brink of impeachment because of it, and now it seems it may be over already.

The same angry news anchors who brought you Stormy Daniels and the Russia hoax now want you to know Big Orange’s days in the White House are over. Why? Because Donald Trump, they say, threatened to withhold military aid to Ukraine unless Ukraine did something bad to Joe Biden and his family. Supposedly, Trump was finished.

Once again, the mob turned out to be wrong. The administration released a transcript of the president’s phone call with the Ukrainian head of state, and it says none of the things the news anchors claimed it would. Read it for yourself. It’s online. Try to find the extortion in there. There isn’t any. Trump never even mentions military aid. There’s certainly something unseemly about a president asking a foreign government to investigate an American citizen, but it’s not illegal, and it’s not all that different from three Democratic senators’ writing a letter to Ukraine just last year demanding investigations into Trump.

Now that the call turns out to be nothing like what the media told us it would be, some on the left have started a conspiracy theory that the transcript can’t be real; it must be doctored. These conspiracies aren’t confined to weird corners of the internet. Democratic leaders Chuck Schumer and Adam Schiff have already questioned the trustworthiness of the transcript, despite the fact that there’s no evidence of wrongdoing. Numerous career national security officials — many not fans of our president — have access to the original call and would have to be in on any conspiracy. read more

8 Comments on Tucker Carlson and Neil Patel: Understanding the impeachment charade

  1. IG and DOJ investigations of spygate etal were probably leaked to dems a couple months ago. They are panicing! This BS with Ukraine is how they are creating a false issue against Trump to take away from spygate. Release the reports immediately!!!!!

  2. From the article:
    “Sadly, Nadler and Pelosi were right in 1998. Republicans should not have impeached Clinton…”
    Clinton lied under oath (perjury). He abused his position. He committed crimes that would have put normal citizens in prison. His crimes were so bad he was disbarred while president.


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