Tucker Carlson got savage last night in response to Kurt Eichenwald’s “anime porn” gaffe – IOTW Report

Tucker Carlson got savage last night in response to Kurt Eichenwald’s “anime porn” gaffe

Via Milo


What a freak! And MSNBC is full of them from the hosts down to the wigged-out guests like Maxine Waters.

26 Comments on Tucker Carlson got savage last night in response to Kurt Eichenwald’s “anime porn” gaffe

  1. Hilarious. And pathetic.

    So LimpDouche is embarrassed to stupidly show the world he’s watching Hentai Porn.
    Cheaply animated formulaic stuff where mostly underage schoolgirls are depicted being S/M abused while they cry and beg to escape. Pedophilic and abusive and misogynistic. Especially pedophilic.

    So he “defends” himself. He was REALLY, ONLY searching for Tentacle Porn. Where the same crying underage schoolgirls are shown being multiply penetrated by animated cartoon monsters with elephant trunk sized “tentacles”. Also sick and pedophilic.
    But somehow in his mind Tentacle Porn will be acceptable and OK with his viewers

    This is what the Left is. It’s who they are.

  2. He looks like a blocked arteries coronary waiting to happen.

    They will find him at his desk. Pants down.
    The autopsy blood toxicology results will run 20 pages.

  3. “[M]y kids”… my kids, my children… “& I were trying to convince my wife”… the children’s sociological, maybe even biological, mother… “that ‘tentacle porn’ existed.”

    That’s the story that should give me a public “Atta boy!” from people whose opinions I respect. But to continue holding the respect of people whose opinions matter to me, I need to visually obliterate the S’s in “dumba**”. They’ll still like me if I spell out “porn”. I’m still a good boy spelling out “tentacle porn”. But no way am I risking spelling the a-word. Not even compounded with the politically correct “dumb” word. I’ve got my career and reputation to worry about.

  4. I watched the earlier Eichenwald visit that Tucker referred to. Eichenwald is a certifiable twit. He couldn’t argue his way out of a paper bag, let alone pretend to instruct the American people about politics. The twatwaffle is out of his mind.

  5. The other day I rode the bus home from work—something I rarely do.

    Guy gets on and sits next to me. Did a double take because he looked just like Robert Reich. He pulls out his phone–looks at some email and the other stuff on the web.

    Had lots and I mean lots of stuff from a site called raw butt f$cking and big black d&cks. He surfed and reaf hust like he was at home.

    He got off at the same stop as me. While crossing the street, I said to him “really dude, I saw at you were looking at on your phone.” His face got really flushed anf he looked like he was about to say something and I calledhim by his first and last ne and said, I”cant believe your mind hasnt rotted getting your news from CNN.”

    DC is a real cesspool.

  6. A couple weeks ago I was on a business trip and when I was checking in at the hotel I told the lady behind the registration desk:
    “I hope the porn channel in my room is disabled.”

    She gave me a really disgusted look and said:
    “No! It’s normal people porn, you sick, twisted bastard!”

    People just ain’t right anymore!

  7. There’s a clever, funny “100 Rules Of The Internet” that’s been out there for many years.

    “Rule 34: For everything that exists, somewhere on the Internet, someone somewhere will have created a porn version of it. “

  8. @Rufus T Firefly
    Awh, man.. you beat me to my explanation. :b
    As someone who has frequented anime websites since a rather young age, I also know that MOST people don’t watch this kind of hentai, this is like for the ‘special’ (pedophiles) freaks. The kind that argue that ‘lolicons aren’t pedos!1!’ (Yeah they are, hunny.) Excuse me while I go recommend that this guy be put on watch for possible future acts of abuse.

  9. @ac
    I am in no way going to attempt to defend what Japan has allowed to thrive in their entertainment industry, but I will say this, as someone who has been reading manga for around a decade now (and never ever hentai), it’s very obvious from the cover art if what you’re about to look at is pornographic or not.

  10. I read, what he said was, the text message exchange between him and his wife to prove that he and his “adult kids were indeed looking for tentacle porn” to show to his wife. The screenshot had had lots of nonsense like the dog, dog door, then he says “I have headache. … Where’s the anvil?” “Advil”….

    The whole thread was the funniest thing! Someone posted:
    “-Comey: I’ll dominate the internet today.
    -Kurt: Hold my tentacle!”

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