Tucker Carlson “Punching Down” Again at a Leftist Professor – IOTW Report

Tucker Carlson “Punching Down” Again at a Leftist Professor

The people who hate Trump hate Tucker Carlson because he supports Trump. They hate his new show because he successfully defends Trump against leftist attackers (who the right-wing NeverTrump secretly root for.) (We live in strange times.) One of the criticisms of the show is that he is “punching down,” implying that the people on his show attacking Trump aren’t all too smart. The only problem with this argument is that now these moron NeverTrump people are implying that the left-wing have good arguments if you get the right person doing the arguing. That is a telling position, no?

Tucker’s guests have been politicians, professors, professionals, students… who is left?

I guess the only people left are NeverTrumpers themselves. Why don’t they give it a go and go on Tucker’s show? (It would be hilarious. I could do a recut and put them side by side with the left, showing how they think, act, behave and argue the same way.)

30 Comments on Tucker Carlson “Punching Down” Again at a Leftist Professor

  1. saw this tonight … guy was an absolute dick. you could see he thought he was the brightest bulb on the set … “notice how I look down my glasses in such professorial style? … I am ‘Academia’… worship me”

    &, in usual libtard-speak, didn’t answer any question directly

  2. That was painful to watch. I learned nothing.
    And I wonder why the professor didn’t dress a little better for this event. Was he trying to show disrespect? Look anti-establishment? Just too busy to be bothered? Or maybe he is better dressed from his usual and I’m being judgey.

  3. Tucker Carlson would shred any lefty who has the juice to try him on. They know that, hence they avoid his show. Only the stupid profligates who are too wrapped up in their own self-importance try…..and get mopped up on the floor by Tucker.

  4. I saw this tonight, too. The professor guy skated so close to the edge with his “Silence in the face of civic irresponsibility is civically irresponsible.” Try saying that fast three times. I don’t believe he knows that backing all that erudition are a 100 years of progressive, mind-melding inbreeding and he can’t escape it. He should consider something a little less binary, like the humanities. Glad Carlson called him out as weasel and a girly man for not owning his own allegations.

  5. He reasoned, “We are charged to support the values of our Constitution…” Which include I guess, lying about why 4 Americans were killed because of a video over their coffins, sending your mouthpiece out to disseminate that lie and imprisoning the maker of said video.

    OK, got it. And then this…

    Over 1/2 the official visits to your office at State were from big donators to the CGI. Got it.

    Nothing says “Constitutional” like numerous visits by your husband to “Orgy Island” I think that’s in the Federalist Papers, isn’t it?

    These REgressives are pathetic. Tucker is in fact punching down. It’s like running a sweep through 10 year olds and we just saw how that works out.

  6. I love how Carlson gets that look on his face like “what in fucking hell is wrong with you?” And you can be sure that next he’s going to tear the SOB a new asshole, right on the air. lol. They do not stand a chance with this guy.

  7. The Democrats have never, ever disavowed the support of the Communist and Socialist Parties. Ever.

    But David Duke, a complete nobody since the 80’s, his name today only comes up during the election cycle as if he is a mainstream figure according to the Statist media. A name only used to claim the Republican candidate is a white supremacist. The only thing shocking about this election is that the media forgot to trot out Bob Jones University again as a white racist institution that Republicans have given speeches at.

  8. How about the killer in the Orlando night club’s Dad sitting behind Killary at one of her events? Does that make her complicit? And Trump never said ALL Mexicans are rapists–he never said it.

    Tucker gives all liberal guests a tube of Boudreaux’s Butt Paste as a parting gift (it is great for diaper rash BTW!)

  9. How fortunate for governments that the people they administer don’t think. This is a bedrock principle of both political parties, and for Democrats in particular. Use big words, act passionate, and lull your supporters to sleep with empty rhetoric and nonsense.

    By the way, does this make them, or me, Nazis? Because the first sentence is a quote by Adolf Hitler, who knew a thing or two about gaining power.

  10. “I am a college professor, who can lord it over little 19 year-old students with all the tyrannical power of a medieval despot. I am the final arbiter of grades, correctness and what is allowed in my hot-house, insulated-from-reality world. So, how DARE you challenge my pseudo-intellectual rant to my like-minded colleagues! MEEEEEH!”

    Take this guy’s Man Card®. He’s officially a wuss!

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