Tucker Carlson Scores Highest Ratings In Cable News History, Uses His Platform To Callout Uniparty Republicans – IOTW Report

Tucker Carlson Scores Highest Ratings In Cable News History, Uses His Platform To Callout Uniparty Republicans


Tucker Carlson Tonight was the story of the quarter from a programming perspective. Prior to 2020, it would have been farfetched to think any cable newser would deliver a larger audience than Bill O’Reilly had been delivering during his prime at Fox News. However, we’re in the midst of an extraordinary time, and Sean Hannity and Carlson managed to set cable news ratings records in back-to-back quarters this year. Carlson’s 8 p.m. offering averaged 4.33 million total viewers in Q2, the highest viewership in cable news history, breaking the previously-held record by FNC’s Hannity last quarter.

Hannity had a pretty good quarter in his own right, averaging 4.31 million total viewers in the 9 p.m. hour, No. 2 on cable news. More 

Tucker Carlson used his opening monologue tonight to beg Republicans to stop being Democrats. Most of what Carlson outlines is accurate, especially the “Nikki Haley waiting in the wings” to return to the UniParty rules part.

The end solution is the appropriate course. We The People must take action to force a resounding Trump reelection, and then demand the GOP abandon their leftist alignment. More

9 Comments on Tucker Carlson Scores Highest Ratings In Cable News History, Uses His Platform To Callout Uniparty Republicans

  1. The Republican party is an obscenity.
    It needs to be DESTROYED immediately.

    Starve those rats – give money here, or to any Trump campaign. But NO money to the rats of the GOP.

  2. The greatest service Tucker can render (and he is doing this in spades) is to spotlight certain weak-kneed Republicans in their total capitulation to the mob and its dangerous agenda.

    Tonight he tore into Ron Johnson and James Lankford in their push to get rid of Columbus Day as a national holiday and replace it with Junteenth Day, a disgusting act of appeasement to wokeness.

    It’s bad enough that the Dems genuflect to the mob but when our guys do it, it is doubly insulting, they need to be identified and primaried.

    Courage, passion for the cause, and a tenacious dedication to protecting our civil liberties used to be standard practice, let’s get back to that.

  3. The Republican establishment are progressives. Closet progressives, but progressives none the less. The Democrats are openly progressives and a critical mass of them open Marxists while the rest of them are closet Marxists. The electorate remains center right and at this juncture are not getting effective representation.

  4. Get rid of Demicretins and never Trumpers who are Demis in disguise. The Reepubs were worths cups of urine before PDT and they will return to the same condition after he leaves.

  5. As Tucker pointed out in one of his rants most of these republican politicians are empty suits void of guiding principles who’s sole purpose is to seek approval.
    If we look at who’s leading the republican house and senate it’s easy enough to see the problem.
    In the senate we have an old entrenched backstabbing snake who’ll crush anyone who steps out of line.
    The house has this half literate goofy lightweight who arose out of nowhere that constantly has his finger in the wind.
    Neither of the two have any concern about the views of their constituents.
    Until we have true leaders to guide the party’s direction nothing will change.


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