Tucker Carlson Sews Jonathan Allen’s Ass To His Face – IOTW Report

Tucker Carlson Sews Jonathan Allen’s Ass To His Face

It’s hard to tell where the face begins and the ass ends.

Allen suggests Sessions is a racist and leaves this interview sitting in a puddle of piddle.

ht/ nm

77 Comments on Tucker Carlson Sews Jonathan Allen’s Ass To His Face

  1. No I don’t think Sessions is a racist, yes I do see why some Trump supporters give credence to that lefty cry. On this very site a commenter said black people should stay home because of welfare or Obama phones. Whites far out outweigh welfare. Instead of, welfare recipients should stay home, blacks should stay home. I waited for someone, anyone, or the owners of this site to say something. Silence. It was condone.

  2. @blue.
    I’ll admit that I don’t read every post here or all the comments.
    Can you cite the exact post and comment for me? If you’re making accusations intended to smear every reader and commenter here I’ll need specifics.

    Otherwise STFU. You’re hurling a very specific allegation here. Show it to me. Plus if one commenter crossed a line that doesn’t give you the right to accuse all readers of this blog of concurring with it. Asshole.

  3. @Blue — unlike the up- and down-twinkling left, we don’t have hall monitors here. Everyone is responsible for their own comments and those who wish to ‘call out’ someone can do so — or not. We’re also not afraid of generalizing if the general can be sufficiently traced back to the particular. Not saying this was the case because I didn’t see the comment to which you refer. But I will point out to you that one comment that you interpret as racist is probably not a great start for saying “..some Trump supporters give credence to that lefty cry.” Not at all.

  4. That fat tub of goo didn’t know what hit him.
    I hope Tucker continues to do well.
    He could show up the rest of the punks on Faux News.
    Maybe people might even start tuning in again.
    Kelly, O’Reilly, Krauthammer et al can go shit in their hat !!

  5. Hey venturaguy, you ignorant ass. Why didn’t YOU say something instead of sitting in your mamas basement. I was busy working and raising two sons, and probably supporting your ass. I’m simply pointing out why the left is jumping on a few to label the many. But I see conversation isn’t your strong suit.

  6. Lefties will learn to stay off Carlson’s show. Tucker challenges their premises, and they can’t back them up. Then Carlson questions them regarding facts, and lefties don’t have them. Eventually, the libs return to unsubstantiated talking points which makes them look as uninformed as they are.

    This is a lesson in using facts and questions to expose empty assertions. It’s a much better tactic than arguing opposing talking points.

  7. Blue, get some perspective. I don’t read every thread, let alone ever comment. A LOT of readers here don’t. If a reader isn’t working, they’re likely retired. Not being supported by people like you.

    As far as “why the left is jumping on a few to label the many”, you do know that’s from their very own (thin) playbook, right? We tend to have very thick skins anymore.

  8. Its all about planting the insinuation so that leftist misremember the specifics and go around calling Sessions an outright racist. About time someone called them on this destructive game of “I only suggested you were reprehensible.”

  9. Phhenry, in your own words, it’s very specific. Then you tell me to stfu, call me an asshole, and say you don’t read every comment. Yet you read mine but conviently didn’t read the one from loco whoever telling blacks not to vote. Got it. I’m simply saying that’s what’s being jumped on by the left.

    Rosalind perhaps it’s not me that needs perspective, and I’m not seeeing the “thick skin” you speak of. I am seeing lemmings like the left.

    I’m a single mom, because my husband died from cancer. A scientist that btw paid for my own way. My sons have been raised that nothing is free And be polite And compassionate. And contribute to society.

    Then a comment that I shouldn’t vote, then told to stfu and I’m an assshole and get perspective. And yet you still don’t see how this gives Trump a bad name

  10. Blue said: ” I’m simply pointing out why the left is jumping on a few to label the many. But I see conversation isn’t your strong suit.”

    I’m simply pointing out why the left is jumping on a few to label the many. But I see conversation isn’t your strong suit.

    Blue, where was the left when JayeZ sang these lyrics at Hillary’s rally? There would be hell to pay if any conservative showed up at a Trump rally and sang those filthy words. Maybe the general public is tired of these people and the filth that comes out of their mouths. Maybe the general public is sick of looking at the Negroes burning down their neighborhoods, looting, and knocking white people in the head and Obama says nothing except that the cops acted stupidly. America spoke – as Obama says “you’ll learn to like it.”

    As for raising two skids, I bet there’s plenty of people here who worked and raised their children as well. I’d say most of us did a damn good job of it, while JayeZ, if he were mine would have been taken to the wood shed.

    (Jigga) What’s my motherf*ckin name?
    (Jigga) And who I’m rollin with huh?
    (My n*ggas) Uh-huh-uh-uhh-uhh-uhh
    N*ggas better get it right, bitches better get it right, WHO?
    (Jigga) What’s my motherf*ckin name?
    (Jigga) And who I’m rollin with huh?
    (My n*ggas) Uh-huh-uh-uhh-uhh-uhh
    N*ggas better get it right, bitches better get it right


  11. And my white neighbors sent three kids to 4 four year schools for the experience because it Was “free”. Precisely ZERO did something with that ‘free’ degree. I can’t afford to pay for a four year college for either of my kids. But what do I know, I’m an asshole and should stfu and get thicker skin and not vote.

  12. @Blue – If loco’s comment offended you then you should have called him out and said why at that time – I think you would have gotten a surprising number of likes
    But to comment 10 days later and infer we all condone what he said is not going to fly on this site

  13. Fox now you’re expecting me to defend the entire left, especially something I’ve never heard of but apparently you have. Did you miss that I’m a conservative? And going to attack me about raising kids? I’ve been attacked for the same, where were you then.

  14. Really Ventura? How many people here thought it was offensive? None. Look at all the comments because I didn’t agree sessions was racist but did see why some people are saying trump supporters are based on something here, who btw I did not name. I didn’t name the entire site or every commenter as racist, unlike has been said. I didn’t even name the poster.

  15. Blue November 19, 2016 at 3:11 pm

    Fox now you’re expecting me to defend the entire left, especially something I’ve never heard of but apparently you have. Did you miss that I’m a conservative? And going to attack me about raising kids? I’ve been attacked for the same, where were you then.


    I just got back from a 30-day cruise that I worked my ass off for. I met a few millennials in bars at the stops we made. All had college degrees, some in teaching, some in hospitality and a few with liberals arts degrees. We asked why they were working in a bar and most of them said because they can’t find anything better and the pay is good.

    I’m not asking you to defend anything, I’m wondering why the left is silent about the racists comments made by the likes of JayeZ. You asked this: “I’m simply pointing out why the left is jumping on a few to label the many.” The left needs to look in their own backyard.

  16. @Blue “…I waited for someone, anyone, or the owners of this site to say something. Silence. It was condone.”
    So just what did you mean by that? It reads like a blanket criticism to me

  17. Golden, first so happy that you were able to take a 30 day cruise, and even better that you enjoyed it. But why are you jumping on attacking me over a comment that I questioned and asking me to defend the left that I’m not part of

  18. Ventura from the guy that says he doesn’t read everything. Look at the replies that articles don’t normally get, but you all come out to relpy to attack me. Tolerance, disverity, understanding, conversation.

  19. Majack don’t understand your rambling. I guess that means eviscerate me. A black conservative Trump supporter. And you really expect me to defend the left? Look at how I’ve been attacked

  20. @Blue: IMHO, where you went wrong in this comment thread is assuming that silence equals condoning another’s words or actions. I don’t always agree with everything posted on this site, nor, I’m sure, does everyone agree with my comments. However, I do know that tarring everyone here with the brush of Racism (or any other “ism”) just because they didn’t speak out against something is the quickest way to get a verbal beatdown, as you have doubtless observed. When I do make comments that may contradict what others have said here, I try to do it only on documented facts, not on purely emotional issues, such as what constitutes racism or homophobia. One man’s “prejudice” may be another man’s gospel truth. Because of this, I rarely comment on things that are subjective, such as so-called “racist” remarks, and I suspect that others do the same. Notice that I am not name-calling here, or saying that you are wrong in everything you say, just suggesting that there are some conclusions that should not be jumped to without any basis in fact.



  21. Slow down Blue.
    You said you waited for “the owners of this site to say something. Silence. It was condone.”

    First of all, these comments are unmoderated and only on very, very rare occasions edited. I do not see every comment. So, my silence is not condoning.

    Second of all, have you been at this site long enough to know my position on race? Yes you have. Over a year now.
    Do you think I’m a racist?
    Do you think the site is racist?

  22. @Blue – You say you are a scientist, I am guessing “climate change” given the incoherence of your responses
    You say you are a conservative but you get all butt hurt that nobody has replied to posts you find objectionable. And you get even more butt hurt when they disagree with you. Demanding people carry your water is not conservative
    You are a libtard TROLL

  23. Vietvet, I appreciate your comment even telling me where I went wrong. However perhaps you didn’t read the beginning. Whatever way, I assume by your screen name you are a Vietnam vet, I thank you sir for your service and offer a long over due welcome home for a hero that was sent to war.

  24. One thing I’ve learned reading and occasionally commenting here is that this isn’t an echo chamber and BFH isn’t a tyrant. Freedom of speech, even offending speech, ESPECIALLY offending speech, is allowed to stand for the most part. That allowance is in no way a condoning of said speech.

  25. BFH, no I don’t think you’re racist at all, if it did I certainly be here, and I’ve never said that. I also do understand not reading every comment. However I did question why a poster was allowed to blanket an entire group of people based on skin color. I was Attcked for it then and I am now. I don’t think the original post of black people should stay home because of obamsphones was meant to be racist. Just pointing out how the left took it and ran with it. And I’ve been attacked for trying to point it out. As a black conservative do you think this will win blacks to our side or say, it’s because you’re black.

  26. Venturaguy, liberal ca, sorry not climate change. You know what they say about assume . “Butt hurt” is the newest liberal term, but I’m the ttroll? Sorry don’t get “butt hurt” over no replies, you’ve attacked me plenty with your nasty relplies. Liberals want to take down conservative sites.

  27. Iotw is color blind. among other things.
    who knows who here is female, male, gay, straight, athiest, christian, black, white or a ceo or ditch digger.
    and that is why IOTW rocks. everyone here has an opinion and it can be shared, mocked or applauded.

    but united we are invincible!

  28. Johnny I agree, however when it’s brought up that something was offensive and why then why the crawling out of corners to attack. BFH certainly can’t be held responsible for all comments and I don’t think he’s racist, however when he posted it was to me to chill, I was defending myself. I still don’t think because it’s racist I think it was because of commenters. I think he’s thinking he’s doing the best for his site.

  29. Jarhead it was before they decided to attack me. Wow look at the replies, and they call me troll. The following nothing to do with how you comment.

    I may be wrong but guessing by the name jarheard, marine. if so thank you sir. My brother is a marine.

  30. @Blue: Firstly, thank you for noticing, and for appreciating, but I’m not a hero. The heroes were the ones who didn’t come back.

    Anyway, I went back and read the beginning of your comment again, and I still didn’t see anything wrong with the first part of it (nor did I mean to imply that there was), only the conclusion that was drawn in the second part.

    @Everyone: Blue says she’s a conservative, and seems to be saying that she feels her remarks were misunderstood. Absent any further arguments, I’m inclined to give her the benefit of the doubt and move on. We’ve all irritated someone here at some time, whether we meant to or not.

  31. Blue, all are welcome here, and that means you.
    And Reddecaesari is right: I think we’d all be surprised at what a varied group this is if we actually stood in a real room together.
    The thing about a truly free and open exchange of opinions and ideas is that it’s damn messy. There have been knock down, drag out fights here leading to regulars storming off and vowing never to return. (9 times out of 10 they come back.)
    Are there sometimes comments I see that make my skin crawl? Yup. But I’d still rather have it this way than moderating and censoring everything.
    Hang in there!

  32. Viietvet I read your fist line and burst In to tears. I use to belong to a service member group. Long story. Anyway I supported two military members, one Sggt army, one marine. I always said, bless you keep your head down. Their replay? Always, I ain’t no hero. Heros aren’t alive.
    The army Ssgt came home to his family, the marine came home in a plane cargo hold. Fighting a war not for our country. He died for someone else that won’t mourn him and the country he loved spitting on him. Well I won’t, I mourn them all.

  33. Blue November 19, 2016 at 3:28 pm

    Golden, first so happy that you were able to take a 30 day cruise, and even better that you enjoyed it. But why are you jumping on attacking me over a comment that I questioned and asking me to defend the left that I’m not part of


    Look, I’m not attacking you, I’m just asking why you think people here are making racists comments, yet the left are worse than anything I’ve ever heard or read on this site. I’ll ask this, what’s wrong with being a racists? Is living next to a family who are white and sent their children to school too much for you to handle?

    “And my white neighbors sent three kids to 4 four year schools for the experience because it Was “free”.”

    I see black people getting all kinds of free $hit. I see them getting jobs ahead of white people, affirmative action is alive and well in this country – Obummer is one of them along with his Mooch wife.

  34. @Blue — Sometimes typing in this little box makes me forget the main thrust of someone’s comment. And that’s what I did with yours. Sorry.

    I think I understand your point. You’re concerned that the left has handy references and (false) justification for calling Trump supporters “racist” (or homophobes, etc.) because someone at a conservative site writes a generalization about blacks (or gays, etc.). Is that right?

    Here’s my argument against that, assuming I understand your concern, and the subject of this thread is perfect for pointing this out: Despite Sen. Sessions’ record of having supported and spear-headed legislation and having ruled in favor of blacks (not over whites, but based on the law), race baiter Allens goes on national tee vee to defend an article in which he says, without evidence, that Sessions is a racist. My point is, the left doesn’t need handy references from real life; they just invent them whenever they need them, anyway. And that’s all they think they need to destroy the character and life’s work of anyone. Thank God we have hit the saturation point and the charge of “racism” is so worn out now that it’s almost meaningless. The left is being rightfully mocked for being a one-trick pony.

  35. Irony, heartfelt. I get all opinions are welcome, I don’t agree based on the attackes on me as a conservative. But I do think you are above and beyond it. Thank you.

    I’m a slobbering mess after veit post, I can’t stop crying because a marine that I supported didn’t come home alive.

  36. Blue, our heartfelt sadness on the loss of your Marine friend. On this blog site, we all have opinions, some agreeable, some disagreeable. Differences of these opinions here are not shunned, but are welcome. Personal attacks are not. Hope this helps you make it through this day. Hugs.

  37. @Blue: Sorry, I didn’t mean to make you cry – I guess I just automatically reject the idea of being called hero simply because I was in a war. Besides, everyone’s a hero nowadays, don’cha know? Just look at “hero” Caitlyn Jenner, for example. If he/she/it is a hero, I don’t want to be one.

  38. I recorded it live. Absolute KNOCKOUT. Today, Cenk CHUNK Uygur gave us a free TKO dessert. They are bailing on the Clintons. Buh Bye Clinton scum. Are we tired of winning yet? NOPE! Watch it at youtube.com/watch?v=X5UEfiTcWX8

  39. Vietvet you didn’t not really. Don’t feel bad. You are loved. The last email I got ended with I love you. I hope he knows how , much I also loved him. My pain and tears are selfish I know.,

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