Tucker: Democrats mobilize US military to suppress domestic opinions – IOTW Report

Tucker: Democrats mobilize US military to suppress domestic opinions

13 Comments on Tucker: Democrats mobilize US military to suppress domestic opinions

  1. “How long can any society built on mandatory lying go on?”

    Just look on any society(nation) that endured communism, socialism.
    Short answer: close to century.
    [Kung Flu]

  2. When he is good, he is very, very, good… and he is usually pretty good. His core beliefs are in question though after his inconsistencies lately. To me he is still a great communicator, but as far as whether it is his schtick or he is just communicating what he thinks the audience is wanting to hear about is open to conjecture by me and will be for some time, maybe all time.

  3. …althogh maybe the military won’t be able to ENTIRELY parallel history, thanks to the illegitimate pedophile’s EOs.

    …see, the whole “shower” thing took too long and wasn’t as efficient as it COULD be, so they came up with “Sonderkraftwagens”, or specialty trucks, that were designed to route the vehicle exhaust into the cargo box where you put the victims, so you could simply drive over to the crematorium directly and your charges would be mostly dead by the time you got there, no muss, no fuss, no hold time or pretending needed, and no expensive Zyklon B gas that upsets your soldiers because they had to hear the dying prisoners literally yodel in pain because that was a side effect the gas had.

    …yep, dead, very efficient.

    …mostly dead, anyway, unable to complain or resist either way…

    …but see, if they apply the electric car EO, then they won’t be able to DO that at least, so there’s your silver lining, I guess…

  4. Well, the USSR lasted several decades before becoming a virtual dictatorship.
    It remains to be seen how long the USSA lasts.

    I don’t trust any of the talking heads in U.S. media.
    Total BS.

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