Turkish Invasion Brings Syrian and Iraqi Kurds Together – IOTW Report

Turkish Invasion Brings Syrian and Iraqi Kurds Together

Breitbart: The Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG), the semi-autonomous Kurdish provincial leadership in Iraq, expressed solidarity with the Syrian Kurds on Thursday, denounced Turkey’s invasion of northeastern Syria, and criticized the United States for failing to prevent the Turkish operation.

“The government calls on Turkey, as a member of the Global Coalition, to avoid any initiative that would undermine the progress made against ISIS, including jeopardizing the secure detention of terrorist fighters,” the KRG said.

“The consequences of military escalation have implications far beyond Syria’s borders, creating the conditions for a return of ISIS and a mass displacement of people,” the statement warned.

“It is crucial therefore that all parties in the conflict, including the Kurdish parties, engage in dialogue to de-escalate the situation. The government has consistently stated that the crisis must be solved through a stable political solution which enshrines the rights of all Syrians, including the Kurdish people,” it concluded.

The KRG appealed to Russia, which intervened with military force in Syria to protect the regime of dictator Bashar Assad, to act in defense of the Syrian Kurds. The Russians have indicated a willingness to mediate in the conflict, but have not taken direct action to halt the Turkish invasion.

“We call on the international community, including the U.S., Russia, UK, and France, to put their utmost efforts to end this undesired situation, prevent future destabilization, and bring about an atmosphere for negotiations,” the Iraqi Kurdish parliament said on Thursday, reminding the international community of the sacrifices made by Kurds while fighting the Islamic State.

The parliament said it strongly condemns “every attack which targets civilians by any sides” and supports “regional dialogue for a durable resolution.” read more

2 Comments on Turkish Invasion Brings Syrian and Iraqi Kurds Together

  1. We played the “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” game for too long. We’ve been in Afghanistan since 2001 and what do we have to show for it? Sooner of later these people are going to have to settle this themselves. If there’s going to be another 18 year-long war let them fight it.


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