Twice-deported illegal immigrant attempts to kidnap 14 year-old in sanctuary county – IOTW Report

Twice-deported illegal immigrant attempts to kidnap 14 year-old in sanctuary county

sanctuary | ˈsaNGk(t)SHəˌwerē | noun (plural sanctuaries) 1 a place of refuge or safety: his sons took sanctuary in the church | people automatically sought a sanctuary in time of trouble. 2 [usually with modifier] a nature reserve: a bird sanctuary. 3 a holy place; a temple or church. the inmost recess or holiest part of a temple or church. the part of the chancel of a church containing the high altar.


The left ought to be eradicated from society for, among many other things,  hijacking the word “sanctuary.”

Where is the safety for AMERICANS?????

Burien is a suburb of Seattle.


The suspect is 51-year-old Esequiel Medina-Vasquez. Any guesses as to his citizenship status? Yep, he is an illegal immigrant.

Medina-Vasquez has been deported twice before, in 2007 and 2014. He was also arrested in 2017 for coming into the country illegally, but clearly he didn’t get sent back to Mexico. He was allowed back on the streets, where he was able to attempt a sexual assault against a 14-year-old girl.

Washington is the best place to be if you’re an illegal immigrant. We’ve got sanctuary everything and a governor who tells you you’re a pillar of the community when you come into this country illegally and commit crimes. What a great place to come and abduct 14-year-old girls.



4 Comments on Twice-deported illegal immigrant attempts to kidnap 14 year-old in sanctuary county

  1. Did someone say Sanctuary??

    Goosebumps @1:27

    Charles Laughton – one of the greatest actors of alllllll time. And with Maureen Ohara, was an gorgeous angel @2:35

    The end shot was one of the greatest pieces of cinematic artwork ever, this was actually better than Kubrick IMHO, and SK was the best there was.

    Who is the modern day Hunchback?? Maybe our POTUS trying to preserve the Constitution, meaning you and I, and his own name and family. Swooping down like and EAGLE with a MAGA hat on.

    BULLSHIT, getting very tired here and keeping cannon, single shot and pistol powder dry…very dry.

  2. We are living in the end times.
    Women,children and the elderly are not
    protected anymore.They can be beaten,raped,
    robbed and killed at any time by degenerate
    3rd world SAVAGES.


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