Twitter Doesn’t Ban Groups Calling For Trump’s Execution – IOTW Report

Twitter Doesn’t Ban Groups Calling For Trump’s Execution

I’ve been taken off Twitter for calling leftist twats a twat- “hurtful nouns and adjectives” oh my.

But nothing happens to the left, even if you call for the beheading of the president.


…a poster being promoted by extremist Antifa site known as “It’s Going Down” is pushing a poster that reads “make the guillotine red again,” with a picture of Trump’s face underneath it, obviously implying that Trump should be beheaded.


Anyone willing to upload this to Twitter to see what happens?

Another Antifa group, known as the Greater Seattle General Defense Committee, has a still live tweet on Twitter that doxxes ICE agents.

Far Left Watch also noted that Antifa accounts that typically advocate for extreme violence are also still on Twitter, such as “Redneck Revolt”:

There are endless examples of far-left extremist groups using their social media accounts to advocate for political violence but one more that warrants a mention is Redneck RevoltThis paramilitary organization claims to have over 30 active cells nationwide and until recently they offered a downloadable guerrilla warfare manual on their website that included sections on “kidnapping”, “executions”, and “terrorism”.

Antifa account “Crimethinc” is also still live on Twitter:

Another prominent far-left website that uses Twitter and Facebook to advocate for political violence is Crimethinc. This “decentralized anarchist collective” designed a distributed a poster that compares Donald Trump supporters to Nazis and encourages their followers to use violence against them.



10 Comments on Twitter Doesn’t Ban Groups Calling For Trump’s Execution

  1. I think that, if they are merely declared publishers, they can be sued. No government involved at all.

    If they are platforms (like the phone company) they are not responsible for content, cannot be sued.

    Now, they are not responsible for content (a platform) but are controlling content (like a publisher). Make ’em publishers and sue ’em

    A simple solution and there are so many starving lawyers that would love a bite out of one of these companies. ….Lady in Red

  2. The problem is that this sort of activity is not viewed by leftists as dangerous. They view it as righteous ‘free speech’ and therefore acceptable. They ignore/don’t care about the obvious double standard of silencing critics by claiming the opposing rhetoric is dangerous to the country or the aggrieved group. Another example of liberal ‘free speech is fine as long as we agree with what you are saying’ mentality.

    Jackasses, all of them.

  3. These are publicly held utilities.
    They are “common” carriers and have no authority to censor.

    Makes you wonder why someone hasn’t bought a couple of shares of each and sued the living shit out of them. This is what the socialists would be doing if the shoe were on the other foot – if corporate America supported America.

    izlamo delenda est …


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