Twitter Doesn’t Want People to Know the Detroit News Endorsed Republican John James for Senate – IOTW Report

Twitter Doesn’t Want People to Know the Detroit News Endorsed Republican John James for Senate


On Thursday, The Detroit News endorsed Republican John James over incumbent Democrat Gary Peters for U.S. Senate.

“It is an honor to have the endorsement of one of Michigan’s most prestigious and well-read publications,” James said in response to the endorsement. “Our state and nation are currently at a crossroads, and Michigan has the choice between a combat veteran or a career politician, a war fighter or a gaslighter. It’s time for Michigan to have effective leadership in the Senate where no voice will be left out.”

It appears that Twitter isn’t too happy about this endorsement and is warning users who attempt to share it that headlines “don’t tell the full story.” The platform suggests that users read the article before they retweet it.

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14 Comments on Twitter Doesn’t Want People to Know the Detroit News Endorsed Republican John James for Senate

  1. Welcome to the New Communism of the 21st Century where the Iron Curtain of the Complicit, Bought & Paid For, Knee-Pad Media (Social or otherwise) is working overtime to lie their asses off to bury the Truth!

  2. I so love John James! He will join President Trump in keeping America Great!

    I support him and can’t wait to vote for him again! He will win because the left won’t be able to manufacture enough vote fraud, this time, to steal the election!

    PS He is the only person running for any election who I ever sent money to. GO JOHN!

  3. Seems like another unforced error on Twitter’s part since the article is one of the most glowing and favorable endorsements I’ve ever read. So in fact they are correct in stating the headline does not tell the whole story. In fact the whole story is way more better, unless of course, you’re a Peters fan.

  4. all twitter had to do was be fair and allow the posting of legitimate news items, instead they have taken a iron handed approach reminiscent of Nazi propagandist or Pravda. There will be repercussions after Trump is reelected. Welcome to the real world tweeter assholes.

  5. You have to begin to wonder whether the overt actions of late by Twitter, Facebook and even Amazon thru the Washington Post in trying to blatantly undermine Trump and conservative campaigns and candidates is indicative that some of these massive tech firms know that Trump is going to win in a landslide and conservatives will keep and expand their majority in the Senate and take back the House. They know that if that happens there is a real chance that these Oligarchy’s will be broken up and their huge power smashed.

  6. When you have huge corporations deliberately sabotage their companies by virtue signaling (supporting BLM, for instance), it is not too big of stretch to assume they will go “all in”, and risk everything to prevent a Trump reelection. And the shareholders put up with it.


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