Twitter Game in Progress – #CoughASong – IOTW Report

Twitter Game in Progress – #CoughASong

In honor of Hillary, turn a song into a coughing song.

My Twitter faves-

(The hills are alive with) The Sound of Mucus.

– Puff the Magic Inhaler

Cough Drops Keep Falling On My Head


141 Comments on Twitter Game in Progress – #CoughASong

  1. The following song is not strictly about coughing, but it is related. I believe it may have been translated from the original Phlegmish:


    Old Hil doofus
    Had a lot of mucus
    Comin’ right outta her nose.
    She’d pick and pick
    Till it made you sick,
    But back again it grows.

    When it’s cotton pickin’ time in Texas,
    Boys, it’s booger-pickin’ time for Hil.
    She’d raise that finger mean and hostile,
    Shove it in that waiting nostril,
    Here she comes with a green one (what a thrill!).

    (repeat chorus)

    — with apologies to Kinky Freidman
    (“Old Ben Lucas“)


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