Two Detroilet EMS Workers Stabbed and Slashed While Working – IOTW Report

Two Detroilet EMS Workers Stabbed and Slashed While Working

Isn’t going after Medics a violation of the Geneva convention? We’re at war with Detroit, no?

10 Comments on Two Detroilet EMS Workers Stabbed and Slashed While Working

  1. Breaks my heart, savages attacking heroes. There must be some no-go places in Detroit by now.

    This is an issue that should be front page news around the world so civilized countries can ’tisk tisk’ over the savage Americans.

    It is a national disgrace.

  2. My husband, a first-responder type guy, was at a nasty scene a month or so back where a man had gotten knifed. While trying to assist, a very large black woman rushed him over and over, screaming at him. He said he doesn’t know what she was yelling – she just kept charging at him and he had to shove her away very roughly. The police, EMTS, FFs, et al, were all dealing with the rowdy crowd while trying to help the man. Friends and family kept getting in the way rather aggressively. They do not stand back and let the pros help the injured people. Not these days.

  3. There’s strong motivation at crime scenes to rush the scene and kneel over the victim yelling Help Me Jesus. First ones there get first pickings… watches, gold necklaces, rings, wallets, wads of cash, cell phones… gold teeth..

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