Two More House Dems Retiring – IOTW Report

Two More House Dems Retiring

Fox News

Reps. Jim Langevin of Rhode Island and Jerry McNerney of California – announced on Tuesday that they won’t seek reelection in this year’s midterm elections.

The announcements from the two lawmakers brings to 28 the number of Democrats in the chamber who are retiring after the current term or seeking another elective office in November. More

6 Comments on Two More House Dems Retiring

  1. Any idea who is running on the Dem ticket to replace these tired Dems? I have a sneaking suspicion it’s a bunch of Soros squad types. It’s almost as if there’s a two-pronged attack: Scare off the incumbent Dems and use election fraud to jam the commies into the majority. It’s a good thing the midterms are harder to rig than Presidential years, but all depends on stopping the fraud. Otherwise, we will see what happens when the bloated Squad takes power.

  2. You also have to look at their districts. If the district is reliable (D), then they can expect another Dem to replace them. That does not mean they aren’t bailing because they will probably lose the house and they don’t want to be in the minority, but don’t expect all of these to flip.


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