Three economic models for predicting which party wins the presidential elections are indicating that Republicans are going to take the office this fall.
Both the Fair model, which has been correct all but three times for 100 years, and the Abramowitz model, that hasn’t missed, yet are both saying that the Republican that wins the nomination will eventual go on to be elected.
Only the Moody model is predicting a Democrat back in the White House, mostly due to Obama’s reviving poll numbers.
mostly due to Obama’s reviving poll numbers
Funny, I bet his poll numbers are only going up because folks know he will soon be gone.
Cheers you little halfrican goof, now on your way!
Listening to dana. Can’t stand her but love to hear her hateful spew. Plus have you heard her laugh? YES it’s worse than hilkary ‘s spiteful blood dripping laugh. Plus she can’t spend 3 hours talking up her Candidate Cruz but 3 hours on trump. Wow! Always think I’m listening to a democrap station. Done here.
Throw it all the models out the window. It’s different this time. The conventions will decide the outcome.
I’m sure we can find some way to blow it.
Did any of these models take into account wholesale cheating by the dimocrats including millions of illegal aliens voting?