Two Solutions: Invoke the 25th Amendment or Impeach – IOTW Report

Two Solutions: Invoke the 25th Amendment or Impeach


Efforts to remove President Joe Biden from office under the 25th Amendment will be challenging as it would require members of his own party to unite against him.

Questions about the president’s mental capabilities re-emerged after Special Counsel Robert Hur released a report Thursday on the classified documents found at Biden’s home in Delaware and his Penn Biden Center office in Washington D.C. The special counsel declined to prosecute him for mishandling classified documents, but raised questions about his mental fitness and called him “a well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.” More

Invoking the 25th requires democrats to remove him. Impeachment forces democrats to defend him. The choice seems obvious. – Dr. Tar

28 Comments on Two Solutions: Invoke the 25th Amendment or Impeach

  1. Or, do nothing and make them live with their choice. Can they cheat their way to 81 million votes again? And still have people accept it as legit?

    Pop some popcorn and wait and see.

  2. All those on the right should cheer and encourage Biden in everything he does….kinda like you would for the Special Olympics. And when the shit his the fan, show him for the retard that he is and always has been….his followers and enablers included. After sufficient mockery, I would suggest mercy killings for all assholes involved.

  3. I saw a post today that if the Dem nominee (or VP) is somehow incapacitated after being selected, DNC can pick whomever they want. I could see that scenario playing out. And they wouldn’t pick Kamala.

  4. There is no way an impeachment will happen with the dumb fvuck demoncrats and rino republican’s going along with this sh!t. I served as chair of the Republican Committee party for years and now there are no republicans left that have the gumption to remove this asshole. The only thing to save us now would be a win for Trump, but I’m afraid they will Clintonism him before he is in office. Our only hope now is to pray the Lord give us mercy until His great awakening. To all of you, there is no country left. As in the days of Noah and Lot… We are there…

  5. @LCD: I was just going to say that. The plan is to nominate Biden, so they can then dump him and install whoever they want without those pesky voters getting in the way

  6. “He’s Senile”
    “Fuck You. I’m Sane”
    “Charge Him”
    “Fuck You. I’m Nuts”
    “He’s Senile”
    “Fuck You. I’m Sane”
    “Charge Him”
    “Fuck You. I’m Nuts”


  7. ^^^ Who do they install? Gov. HairGel? Mooshell? Hildabeast?

    My guess is the latter. Less cheating would be required, as she could come closer to victory on her own. They could cheat less and hide it easier.

  8. “Invoking the 25th requires democrats to remove him. Impeachment forces democrats to defend him. The choice seems obvious. – Dr. Tar”

    Jeez, I guess Dr Tars not just another pretty face. LOL

  9. Should the Trump v Biden selection occur, I guess the question comes down to what independents will choose. We need a poll to determine if independents prefer a president with a poor memory versus one that Mean Tweets. A second question might include candidate None Of These.

  10. ” A second question might include candidate None Of These”

    Kinda a funny. Minority populations are figuring it out. Even the black community gets it. But we still run across white people that apparently have problems with mean tweets.

  11. The set up to invoke the 25th Amendment for Biden is in the works thanks to a sympathetic RINO Hur, the Special Council tool. He played right into the left’s hands.

    Ignore the fake outrage by the media and Demoncrat leadership/politicians. It’s a way to hoodwink their idiot base who still don’t know Dementia Joe was installed as a puppet.

    You best believe behind the scene a plot to replace Biden is planned by the left. They just need time to get their idiot base on board.

  12. @ BevWKY, this is why you let the Dems deal with it. Don’t help them remove Biden.
    The Dems don’t want Biden to be the nominee. Any other person as the nominee will reinvigorate the base, get the Dems to the polls, and draw independents back. I think if anybody other than Biden is the nominee, the Dems win 2024. There is a lot of people (I’s & R’s) that won’t turn out for Trump. With Biden there will be some I’s & D’s voting for Trump b/c Biden WH has been so bad. But you throw in a new Dem at the last minute, they will win the D’s and I’s back.

    Let the media and Dems flap in the wind….they created this and pushed and cheated for Bide to be the nominee. Let them deal with it. The GOP doesn’t need to do their bidding and help get him out of the election.
    What worries me is that polls showing Biden is close to Trump. It shouldn’t be even within 10 pts. Trump has a lot people that just don’t like him and have been convinced by media and socials that he is corrupt, evil, and an insurrectionist.

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