Two Sunken Car Wheels Up – IOTW Report

Two Sunken Car Wheels Up

The new film about Ted Kennedy’s worst personal failing, “Chappaquiddick,” was given an early screening in Boston. Howie Carr attended and while he’ll never be a film critic (Warning: Numerous Spoilers), he has me willing to stand in line to see this movie. More





23 Comments on Two Sunken Car Wheels Up

  1. Chris Kennedy is running for governor of Illinois. (Why anyone would want that position is a mystery and a probable sign of mental illness). Now his campaign slogan “we’ll drive off that bridge when we get to it” makes sense.

  2. @marco. Dont worry he can see it and he will relive it for eternity. The rich man went to hell and lazarus to paradise.the rich man could see lazarus and asked for a drop of water to cool the heat. Etc….it ain’t ever over for the wicked.😎

  3. It was an assignation attempt on Teddy. He knew it. He was being chased or run off the road. That explains why he did such odd things after the car went into the water – he didn’t want his attackers to know he was still alive. IMO, of course.

  4. The neck brace was the mistake. Not leaving the scene of an accident and sentencing a woman to die terrified and alone. Quite the stand up guy always look out for himself.

  5. Funny how the same media that is obsessed with how much Stormy Daniels was supposedly paid, were/are remarkably incurious about how much the Kennedy’s paid Mary Jo’s parents for their silence.

  6. @Cynic March 14, 2018 at 3:55 pm

    > It’s sad that the elites are above the rule of law.

    Even more sad is flag standing, heart covering, patriotic Americans, holding on to the story (just like Elizabeth Warren) that the same truth does not, not even a smidgen, mean that the rule of law is morally lower than a progressive pol. Sad.

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