U Penn Study Shows Racism Down Since 2016 – IOTW Report

U Penn Study Shows Racism Down Since 2016

This should be good news. But the study will either anger the left or make them sad, which should tell you something.


The election of Donald Trump has, of course, unleashed the latent racist which lurks within millions of Americans. We know this because enlightened opinion keeps telling us so. The New Yorker, for example, ran a piece in November 2016 declaring ‘Hate on rise since Trump’s election’, and quoting a list of incidents collected by the Southern Poverty Law Center – including the experience of a girl in Colorado who was allegedly told by a white man: ‘Now that Trump is president I am going to shoot you and all the blacks I can find’. 

TIME magazine, too, ran a story in the same month announcing ‘Racist incidents are up since Donald Trump’s election’. In March 2017 the Nation asserted ‘Donald Trump’s rise has coincided with an explosion in hate groups’, claiming that 100 racist organizations had been founded since Trump began his presidential campaign.


2 Comments on U Penn Study Shows Racism Down Since 2016

  1. I say over and over that USA is the least racist country in the world. It is the biggest melting pot in the world, more people want to come here than anywhere else, and no other country has citizens who are less racist as an entire group.
    They will point to certain countries, but I guarantee that they are far more homogeneous and don’t have the interactions we have here, and also very likely that acts of racism there are ignored at least by our press.
    I love our country! It needs some fixing but it is the best.


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