U.S. Colleges Sweep This Year’s Muzzle Awards – IOTW Report

U.S. Colleges Sweep This Year’s Muzzle Awards

The Thomas Jefferson Center has been giving out Muzzle Awards to “individuals and institutions responsible for the more egregious or ridiculous affronts to free speech” for nearly 25 years.


 The awards almost always go to some government entity, but this year American institutions of higher education took home all the awards.

 The Center found the practices and policies of American universities so egregious that they came up with all new categories in order to better describe the forms of suppression exercised on our college campuses. More

This Year’s Muzzle Awards

This is going to seep beyond our educational institutions, right into our courts and governments till no one is ever allowed again to hurt the feelings of someone who is a member of a protected class.

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