U.S. Flag as a Doormat in Iranian Airport – IOTW Report

U.S. Flag as a Doormat in Iranian Airport

Free Beacon

Tensions between Tehran and the United States have escalated in recent weeks since the Trump administration moved into office. Iran confirmed on Wednesday that it had once again test fired a ballistic missile, which could put it in violation of international bans on such activity.

The State Department told theย Free Beacon on Tuesday that it is closely following the recent tests and would seek to ensure Tehran is complying with the nuclear deal.

“We’re aware of reports that Iran conducted a medium-range ballistic missile test in recent days,” State Department Spokesman Mark Toner said. “We are looking into these reports. We are, however, well aware of and deeply troubled by Iran’s longstanding provocative and irresponsible activities and we call on Iran to cease such provocations.”

Iranian officials maintain that the missile tests are not a breach of the nuclear accord and have vowed to continue this activity.


24 Comments on U.S. Flag as a Doormat in Iranian Airport

  1. they are on notice

    they will slip up, cross our bows once too often, and offer us the opportunity to put their navy at the bottom of the straits or in the gulf

    i am sure we have a carrier group close by, trained and ready to quiet their noise

  2. Iran – another swarm of pecker-gnats.
    Iran and Iraq fought a war for 8 years and neither took so much as an acre of sand from the other.
    Outside of their nukes, why do we give a flying fuck about them?

    Ozymandias! Call home!

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. I think there are a lot of Persians who would love nothing more than to get rid of the mullahs and join the 21st Century. And those are the people that deserve our support and our help.

    The very people Obama turned his back on in 2009.

    It makes me so angry and sad.

  4. Considering the bomb attack on the Saudi warship recently, I don’t think there will be any more warning shots from US ships when Iran sends their motorized rafts against US again.

    “Funny… that little boat was there, a minute ago….”

  5. Some things never change. I read a book last year about Britain’s first Afghan War, 1839 – 42. It was a disaster, but Britain was dealing with Iranian influence in Syria, and Iran and Russia were pushing for influence in Afghanistan. Same trouble makers in the same areas of the world.

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