U.S. “Gets Its Ass Handed To It” In World War III Simulation: RAND – IOTW Report

U.S. “Gets Its Ass Handed To It” In World War III Simulation: RAND

Pfffft. Have they plugged our secret weapon into the models? Transgenders.


RAND’s wargames show how US Armed Forces – colored blue on wargame maps – experience the most substantial losses in one scenario after another and still can’t thwart Russia or China – which predictably is red – from accomplishing their objectives: annihilating Western forces.

“We lose a lot of people. We lose a lot of equipment. We usually fail to achieve our objective of preventing aggression by the adversary,” he warned.

In the next military conflict, which some believe may come as soon as the mid-2020s, all five battlefield domains: land, sea, air, space, and cyberspace, will be heavily contested, suggesting the U.S. could have a difficult time in achieving superiority as it has in prior conflicts.

The simulated war games showed, the “red” aggressor force often destroys U.S. F-35 Lightning II stealth fighters on the runway, sends several Naval fleets to the depths, destroys US military bases, and through electronic warfare, takes control of critical military communication systems. In short, a gruesome, if simulated, annihilation of some of the most modern of US forces.

“In every case I know of,” said Robert Work, a former deputy secretary of defense with years of wargaming experience, “the F-35 rules the sky when it’s in the sky, but it gets killed on the ground in large numbers.”

So, as Russia and China develop fifth-generation fighters and hypersonic missiles, “things that rely on sophisticated base infrastructures like runways and fuel tanks are going to have a hard time,” Ochmanek said. “Things that sail on the surface of the sea are going to have a hard time.”

“That’s why the 2020 budget coming out next week retires the carrier USS Truman decades early and cuts two amphibious landing ships, as we’ve reported. It’s also why the Marine Corps is buying the jump-jet version of the F-35, which can take off and land from tiny, ad hoc airstrips, but how well they can maintain a high-tech aircraft in low-tech surroundings is an open question,” said Breaking Defense.

Meanwhile, speaking purely hypothetically of course, “if we went to war in Europe, there would be one Patriot battery moving, and it would go to Ramstein. And that’s it,” Work complained. The US has 58 Brigade Combat Teams across the continent but doesn’t have anti-air and missile-defense capabilities required to handle a barrage of missiles from Russia.


ht/ fdr in hell

33 Comments on U.S. “Gets Its Ass Handed To It” In World War III Simulation: RAND

  1. An all volunteer army is a scam.
    When a real war comes, it’ll be decimated rather quickly.

    But then, snowflake socialists dont make good soldiers. But they do make good murderers.

  2. …seriously, I doubt that they have the perfect intelligence on our forces AND on foreign forces to really draw a meaningful conclusion. Not that I doubt that Dems would give out top-secret military information willy nilly, but I DO doubt that Dems would know what the IMPORTANT information IS…

  3. …also, a lot depends on how individual units perform. On paper, the world should have been an Islamic caliphate for centuries, BUT since Muslims are characteristically poorly trained and cowardly fighters in actual military situations, we are NOT.

    The same thing applies to the Chinese and the Russians, although in different ways. The Chinese have been very successful BUYING the United States, including the old naval facilities in Mare Island, so it would be rather silly of them to go full-retard military on us globally, although I COULD see them doing things in their sphere like retaking Taiwan that we would have a tough time challenging. The Russians are very determined and dedicated fighters, but generally aren’t that bright when it comes to integrated fighting or sea power in general, and they DO like their cups. I’ve also had occasion to work on Russian tech, and there are some…problematic…approaches they take to solving programming issues with the more complicated things. They can make a rifle that you can abuse to death and feed it anything and it works fine, but I DON’T recommend a Russian laptop unless frustration is a thing you enjoy.

    …anyway, if you could work it out on paper, you would not need to play the game. Ask any football team (pre-kneels) how THAT works. You can only find out what’s in the game by playing it.

    …we were the underdogs in the 18th Century, after all…

    …besides, if it devolves into a massive loss, it will then end with a global nuclear exchange, so Red V. Blue will no longer really matter…

  4. Speaking of China, I have believed for quite a few years that they would move on Australia. Australia has a lot of what China needs, I bet they were hoping for a Hilary victory. Do you think she would have stopped them?

  5. hmmmm … just as the 2020 armed forces budget is about to come out ….

    spend more money!!! … that way we can keep consultants (like Rand) enriched

    besides who GAS? we’ll be taken over from within before the ChiComs steal enough tech to go to war … & then who wants to take over a third-world country?

  6. …I used to play war simulation games (Avalon Hill tabletop type, pre-Internet) with historically accurate units, and generally, even with no experience generalling, I could play the underdog (Rommel at Normandy, Lee at Gettysburg, etc), and be completely triumphant. This is because, as a student of history, I was able to have foreknowledge of what was going to hit me from where, all troop locations on both sides were known, I had perfect communications with all my troops, all my orders were obeyed instantly, and I didn’t have to argue with other generals about who should do what (and, in the case of Rommel, I didn’t go home for my wife’s birthday OR have to worry about not being able to get tanks because Hitler took a sleeping pill and no one wanted to bother him).

    …this is the type of thinking RAND is indulging in. Real life and real warfare isn’t that easy, and CERTAINLY isn’t that predictable. Not everyone does what they’re told WHEN they’re told, and it isn’t always clear what you need to do where from a central point, and our Communist friends are VERY centrally controlled.

    …for these and other reasons, I would take anything RAND says with a cow lick sized grain of salt…

  7. With all due respect to the Rand Corporation, I’m not sure they are privy to current U.S. war plans. Since Viet Nam, the military has shown a ability to plan for the next war instead of fighting the last one. Furthermore, I think these folks fail to take into consideration the sophistication of the relative populations and thus, by extension, the ability of the soldiers.

    I’m reminded of the doom and gloom the “experts” predicted during the first Gulf War – one expert even wondered if we had enough body bags in stock. The ground war was over in 24 hours with about 100 casualties (including friendly fire and accidents).

    Geopolitically, Russia could conceivably run amok in Europe – but do they want to? China could wreak havoc in Korea and Japan as well as Southeast Asia, but Kim Jong Un is crazy enough to use a nuclear deterrent. Neither nation has the capability at present to cross oceans and realistically invade the United States. China and Russia are not allies, and they share a large border. Occupying nations and territories full of people who don’t want you there (Viet Nam and Afghanistan come to mind) is manpower intensive and expensive and would likely be damaging to both the Chinese and Russian economy. China and Russia would also be in a position of having to prosecute an offensive war while still keeping its own population on a short leash.

    Modern warfare would be horribly destructive – probably to all nations. Granted, leaders are sometimes not rational, but the U.S. is not anxious to provoke either China or Russia, and both China and Russian would probably be less anxious to provoke the U.S.

  8. I hear a lot about RAND but I wonder how often they’ve been right or do they write their reports with just enough vagaries in them that no matter what happens they can claim to have predicted the outcome. What matters is I believe that if the US gets into it with Russia all of the ex Warsaw pact members that are now Nato and even the ones that aren’t will take the opportunity to get their boot in and while Germany can’t be counted on Britain can as well as Poland, Ukraine most of the other NATO countries and unless Vlad turns Mad and launches nukes (in which case the west takes damage but Russia ceases to exist) Russia will find itself in a very bad position in a short time.

    If it’s China then the old axiom of China having enough population wit win any war will be severely tested. India would likely stay quiet until they felt they had a good shot at putting Pakistan down for good or they’d jump Pakistan if Pakistan jumped into bed with China. VietNam would take the opportunity to redraw the border with China while China was otherwise engaged with the US.

    If it was China and Russia together against the US then they’d be facing every other democracy in the world standing as one if only out of self-preservation.

  9. If this is true (and it likely could be), I hope that I’ve been gone for twenty years, and my kids and grandchildren have moved to Switzerland or someplace safe.

    O’Crazio (is she Irish?) Cortez never learned what happened to Hitler and Mussolini, in her bone-headed quest for power.

  10. Nowadays, we (in the civilian world) have absolutely no clue what our actual ‘first string’ offensive and defensive forces actually are. So, I suspect their study is meaningless. Any rapid escalation of war between the nuclear powers would ‘go first string’ very quickly.

  11. FWIW,

    I can’t think of any example from history of a homosexual/transgender army having been defeated in any major war, much less a world war.

    Why would it be any different this time?

  12. The Spartans used homosexuality to create esprit de corps; if a soldier’s lover is killed, he will avenge with blind ferocity. But, the Spartans realized that they needed more Spartans every generation, so they made it a law that all young men over a certain be married (to women) to maintain their family name.

  13. According to Democrats and Hollyweird over 75% of this country’s population is made up of homosexuals, transgenders, feminists, and superwomen! Why would the Commies want to take them on in a knock down drag out war (just steal their purses and pussyhats and they will cry, uncle)?

  14. Rand has a history of Chicken(Shit) Little analysis. I’m sure it got the proper disposal at the Pentagon.

    China gets bottled up w/o food or oil and their infrastructure destroyed from the air.

    Russia is outmanned 3:1 by NATO, 4:1 by population, 15:1 by economy, 20 years behind in technology and little production capacity (which will get promptly destroyed). They have reason to be afraid, but their historic paranoia only makes enemies of their neighbors.

  15. 5th Generation Fighters:

    Russia – stopped production after India stopped funding.

    China – can’t figure out to keep from crashing or a reliable engine.

    US – F-35 has 15 years operatiional experience.

  16. Europe … The US has 58 Brigade Combat Teams across the continent

    The US doesn’t have 58 BCTs in the whole fooking Army. Add in the Marine equivalent and it still won’t add up to 58.

  17. Re: 58 BCTs

    I should clarify “Active” Army. Total Active, Reserve and National Guard should be around that number, but the latter 2 are not “combat ready” and require substantial retraining.

  18. You guys know the purpose of the article is get your blood angryied up so you dump your wallet out at the feet of the military industrial complex, right?

    As a former member of said complex, let me assure you America needs genetically enhanced super soldiers…..and about 8 trillion dollars to combat this looming menace.

    Please make all checks out to ‘cash’

  19. You guys are missing the point.
    OF COURSE the simulation shows the USA losing. IT IS ON PURPOSE. That is how the Pentagon justifies their massive funding increases! They get to show it to all the congresscritters to justify their spending spree. Wink-wink…Nod-Nod…

  20. “None ‘Ass Handed'” as if Muslims could ever learn how to replace the alternative use of a more hygienic way,,,
    Since Nancy Pelousi’s district that pays 7 shit scoopers a $185K a year to do it for them,,,
    Think they care?

  21. This is the same Rand Corp that laid out the Vietnam strategy that would insure victory. This is the same Rand Corp that incorrectly consistently overstated the strength of the Russian Economy and military. I trust their analysis as far as I can comfortably spit a dead rat.

  22. I think the US military is in a weakened state right now, hobbled by social and spiritual disease while trying to get good people out of the mush of our partly worthless misfit population. This is the problem we face. Most millenials won’t lift a finger to fight for freedom.

    But the good news is that we are still protected by two oceans. Chinese soldiers landing on So. California beaches ain’t gonna happen anytime soon.

  23. China’s got an aging population problem, so the clock is ticking on them being able to fight a war of attrition. Anyway, they’re not going to attack the U.S. – we’re their biggest customer. Who else is going to buy all their cheap crap?


  24. One way the Chinese People’s army could invade would be to pick the weakest spot on the US west coast and establish a bridghead there, then fan out. They are patient and if it took them 10 or 15 years, they would still be up for it.

    If I was a planner for the Chinese Army, I would pick San Francisco, knowing that city would not put up any resistance at all. If they could find a way to get a few divisions across the Pacific in a stealthy manner, they might be able to pull it off.

    Or, if they controlled all of the air space over the Pacific, they would not even have to do it in a stealth manner. If we couldn’t stop them, it wouldn’t matter.

    I am certain that San Francisco would do nothing and maybe even welcome them. Some of them would bend over backwards for them.

    Lance: “Hi Bruce, rumor has it the Chinese soldiers will be here tommorrow”.
    Bruce: “Oh goody, yellow meat…let’s go to the beach and meet those lovely Asian boys”.

  25. @Tim Buktu March 11, 2019 at 8:34 pm

    > Most millenials won’t lift a finger to fight for freedom.

    Millenials are waiting — some more desperately than others — for someone to raise that flag.

  26. Ha ha ha ha!

    The dirty secret is that the RAND Corp. didn’t take into account the socialists and those Unicorn-Cavalry Attacks!
    With their marshmallow cannons and sugar-sprinkle guns!

    And all the Fags and “transgenders” and other assorted LBQVNMCTXYZs mentally ill neurotics doing that “fight like a girl” slap-shit and calling the enemy “bitch” which left them crying their eyes out and seeking “safe spaces.”

    No, when all of that’s taken into account, we’ll see American march (well, prance or sashay) to victory – with Obola – Reggie’s shit smearing his purple lips and dick up his ass – leading the way.

    izlamo delenda est …

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