U.S. judge blocks Biden federal employee COVID-19 vaccine mandate – IOTW Report

U.S. judge blocks Biden federal employee COVID-19 vaccine mandate

(Reuters) -A federal judge in Texas ruled on Friday that President Joe Biden could not require federal employees to be vaccinated against COVID-19 and blocked the government from disciplining employees who failed to comply.

Biden issued an order requiring about 3.5 million workers to get vaccinated by Nov. 22 barring a religious or medical accommodation – or else face discipline or firing.

U.S. District Judge Jeffrey Brown said the question was whether Biden could “require millions of federal employees to undergo a medical procedure as a condition of their employment. That, under the current state of the law as just recently expressed by the Supreme Court, is a bridge too far.”

Brown, based in Galveston and appointed by former President Donald Trump, said the government could protect public health with less invasive measures, such as masking and social distancing.

The ruling is the latest in a series of court decisions to go against government vaccine requirements.

In mid-January, the U.S. Supreme Court blocked the president’s COVID-19 vaccination-or-testing mandate for large businesses, a policy the conservative justices deemed an improper imposition on the lives and health of many Americans. The court allowed a separate federal vaccine requirement for healthcare facilities.

A third major vaccine requirement aimed at employees of federal contractors was blocked by a federal judge in December. more

10 Comments on U.S. judge blocks Biden federal employee COVID-19 vaccine mandate

  1. How many poor people went against their better judgement and took the jabs because they were coerced by slowjoe’s mandates? How many will suffer physical damage?
    They should sue.

  2. Sue, sue, you funny, Trump fast tracked this, so he should be number 1 on the “Sue” list. In reality you don’t know shit, long term studies would have to be done, by universities & other independent organizations. Not by right-wing ragamuffin fake claim sites.

  3. I personally know of 7 people who took the shot against their wishes because they didn’t want to risk their income and some didn’t want to be seen as upstarts. Ultimately they still did it on their own so they’ll have to deal with whatever happens. Hopefully nothing severe.

  4. So what about the medical field that takes Medicare and Medicaid? Do they still have to be Jabbed?

  5. How many poor people went against their better judgement and took the jabs because they were coerced by slowjoe’s mandates? How many will suffer physical damage?
    They should sue.
    And we as tax payers get fleeced again by paying the settlements.

  6. This is the main reason why Joe Biden had ordered up multitudes of “N95” masks since he and his collaborators within the Dark-Web Party Cult knew his sick demands to vaxx fed workers would be struck down and invalidated. His “N95 masks” have been disease-saturated by the CCP which produces the vile things to kyll off those who refuse to be assaulted with the monstrous vaxx and boosters. Add the fact that these “N95” masks, and all others, are an attempt to create an illusion and fear-peddling via a psychological prop and theatrics.

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