UC Berkeley Pays Settlement in Landmark Free Speech Lawsuit – IOTW Report

UC Berkeley Pays Settlement in Landmark Free Speech Lawsuit

Wash Exam-

After more than a year of litigation, the University of California, Berkeley, has settled a lawsuit with the Young Americas Foundation and the UC Berkeley College Republicans.

Campus conservatives accused the university of bias in the process of bringing high-profile speakers to campus. The original lawsuit revolved around the cancellation of an event with Ann Coulter. An amended version of the lawsuit included road blocks initiated by the university for an event with Ben Shapiro.

The Department of Justice filed a statement of interest backing the campus conservatives. The crux of their argument revolved around two campus policies that they claim violate students’ First and 14th Amendment rights: an unspoken “High-Profile Speaker Policy” and an on-the-books “ Major Events Policy.”

In the settlement, UC Berkeley agreed to the following terms set by YAF:

  1. Pay YAF $70,000.
  2. Rescind the unconstitutional “High-Profile Speaker Policy.”
  3. Rescind the viewpoint-discriminatory security fee policy.
  4. Abolish its heckler’s veto — protesters will no longer be able to shut down conservative expression.



7 Comments on UC Berkeley Pays Settlement in Landmark Free Speech Lawsuit

  1. Fantastic news. Now keep it going. There’s a long list of universities requiring legal challenges to their non existent free speech policies/practices, i.e., another unraveling of obama’s destructive NEA mandates to silence conservatives on college campuses.

    Title XI reform, kick the Chinese Communist Party student orgs off campuses etc etc.
    Too few Americans are informed how detrimental these actions are to our youth, resulting in the rise of socialism.

  2. Not enough of a penalty to stop “the birth place of the free speech movement” from doing it again.

    It’s a small price to pay for ideological bubble maintenance.

    They paid Jennifer Granholm $300k to teach one class so $70k is peanuts. They kept the intellectual n-words out of their diverse Jim Crow utopia for how many years?

    Totally worth it to price out the enemy.

  3. From the article:
    “Not every conservative speaker faced the steadfast opposition Coulter and Shapiro faced. In October, I successfully spoke at UC Berkeley on the need for more free speech and event surprisingly went smoothly.”

    With all due respect, Ms. Cooley, no one knows who you are!

  4. The settlement should have been large enough for the young conservatives to end up owning the place – that’d be justice, and the precedent should apply to all the other fascist, stupid colleges who did the same.


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