“UFO Crash” SOLVED – Military Insider Breaks The Code! – IOTW Report

“UFO Crash” SOLVED – Military Insider Breaks The Code!

The Sun-

A RETIRED US Air Force captain believes crucial words on a memo may hold the key to solving the Roswell UFO crash mystery.

Veteran researcher Kevin Randle, who has interviewed around 600 people over the past few decades in his search for answers around the mysterious case, says he has “eliminated all possible terrestrial explanations”.

An unknown object crashed in the New Mexico desert in July 1947 near Roswell sparking decades of intrigue.

Witnesses claim to have picked up bizarre materials from the craft with hieroglyphic writings on – while others claim to have seen dead aliens among the wreckage.

“The Ramey memo could be the key to this whole thing,” Randle said.

“Ramey was holding the memo in his hand when he was photographed with the debris in his office.

“And what’s interesting is we know when the picture was transmitted over the wire, we know who took it and we can see Ramey is holding the document in his hand.

“So we pretty much have the provenance nailed down.

“There are words in the document when you blow it up, that you can read.

‘Victims of the wreck’

“Some people interpret the critical line as saying ‘victims of the wreck’

“Well ‘victims of the wreck’ takes it out of the realm of a weather balloon but it’s kind of an interpretation of what you see.

“When I look at the document, it says victims of the wreck but I also can see it saying other things, it’s that kind of faces in the clouds type phenomenon.”


11 Comments on “UFO Crash” SOLVED – Military Insider Breaks The Code!

  1. I always thought it was a left-over WWII clockwork incendiary bombs the Japanese sent over the jet stream to set America’s forests on fire. The cover-up was so that people wouldn’t panic after the end of the war.

  2. The crash was a little north of Las Cruces NM. about 180 miles West of Roswell. When this craft crashed, it took investigators about 12 hours drive (at that time) from Roswell.

  3. The aliens that died in that crash were from the future. They were sent to warn us and gave their lives to deliver the message that was written on a piece of paper. it stated that, we will become “Victims of the wreck” that will be the fraudulent Biden presidency.

  4. This is ridiculous. My first job when I get hired here will be to write accurate headlines. Like this one. It should have read.


    See how slick that is? why, it could work for any number of political articles.

  5. If the humanoids riding in the “flying disks” are anything at all, I think they are angels.

    Perhaps they are more interested in monitoring us after the two atomic bombs dropped on Japan in 1945.

  6. I decided a long time ago that I don’t give a shit. True or false, there is not one ounce of, clear, undeniable evidence anywhere on Earth. Photos are fuzzy and overexposed. Videos and films are jerky and out of focus. With the cameras available today and the technology involved it is simply not possible that someone somewhere has not captured a high resolution, detailed video or photo. It’s bullshit and distraction with no basis in reality. I was an Art Bell fan from the night his format changed, until the day he died, and the conclusion I could not deny after it all is that it’s all made up to keep people upset and looking in the wrong direction. Ignore the whole thing.


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