Uh OH!!! Ratcliffe Goes Public Saying Comey, Yates and Strzok Lied To FISA Court To Get Carter Page Surveillance Warrant – IOTW Report

Uh OH!!! Ratcliffe Goes Public Saying Comey, Yates and Strzok Lied To FISA Court To Get Carter Page Surveillance Warrant

I know the wheels of justice, when it comes to political figures, moves slowly, but we’re building a head of steam.

Things are heating up.

3 words-> Woods procedure violations.

8 Comments on Uh OH!!! Ratcliffe Goes Public Saying Comey, Yates and Strzok Lied To FISA Court To Get Carter Page Surveillance Warrant

  1. The “Judge” who signed it is either complicit, a drunkard, or the FBI knows the identities of all the children he’s abused.

    This “gatekeeper” of “justice” was asleep at the wheel.

    Yes, the FBI acted treasonously, by accepting to act in the interests of a decidedly anti-Constitutional political party, but it’s obvious that the Judicial, with the incitement and encouragement of the Legislative Branch, fulfilled the essentials and gave cover (and a patina of legitimacy) to the main coup attempt.

    The Augean Stables are due a cleaning.

    izlamo delenda est …


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