Uhh… That Would Be an A On This History Assignment – IOTW Report

Uhh… That Would Be an A On This History Assignment


Family lore had it that during WWII a Nazi fighter plane had gone down on the Kristiansen farm in Denmark. Daniel Kristiansen’s dad thought it would be a neat idea for a history assignment if they took metal detectors out to where the plane was thought to have crashed and see what bits of wreckage they could dig up. They ended up locating the undisturbed wreckage of an ME-109 including the pilot’s remains.


10 Comments on Uhh… That Would Be an A On This History Assignment

  1. Yeah, I found an old 66 stingray in the woods with a metal detector. Sone guy had died in it, too. I tried and tried to sell it, but I just couldn’t get the stink of death out of the car. It had a hook hanging off the door handle, too. Cursed, I tell ya.

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