UK Govt: Vax Blood Clot Victims Must Prove They Are 60 % Disabled to Get Compensation – IOTW Report

UK Govt: Vax Blood Clot Victims Must Prove They Are 60 % Disabled to Get Compensation

Breitbart –

Boris Johnson’s government is insisting that people harmed by vaccine side-effects must prove they are at least 60 per cent disabled in order to receive compensation, capped at £120,000, according to reports.

168 people were believed to have suffered blood clots following vaccination as of last week, according to a report by Britain’s Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), with 32 of those afflicted dying.

So far, 43 applications for compensation have been made under an official damages scheme for people harmed by government-approved vaccinations — which also covers more established vaccines for diseases such as tuberculosis — according to figures disclosed to the Telegraph, but as of the time of publication no payments have been issued, and the government is insisting that applicants “will need to prove, on the balance of probabilities, that the vaccination caused [a] disability and be assessed as being 60 per cent disabled” before they are compensated.

The harsh stance has caused disquiet among backbenchers from Boris Johnson’s own party, with Sir Christopher Chope MP, for example, stating his belief that “The Government has a moral duty to compensate people who have suffered as a result of doing the right thing by the Government of being vaccinated.”

“They were being vaccinated for the public good — it is not as though they are jay-walking across the street at their own risk,” he pointed out.

“The Government needs to look at these cases and reduce the threshold. If it is left as it is it is going to bar a lot of deserving people from any compensation.” read more

10 Comments on UK Govt: Vax Blood Clot Victims Must Prove They Are 60 % Disabled to Get Compensation

  1. So a stroke on 50% of your brain does not count?

    Trump should have let the fat traitor die when he had the Rona.

    Ps. Sue the Fucking CCP!

  2. Wait… Your fucking government orders you to take a vaccine but if you’re only 59% debilitated by it, you’re entitled to bupkis in regards to compensation?

    Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck yoooooooooouuuuuu!… Unvaccinated and proud.

  3. My Father-in-law sustained a hand injury from shrapnel in WWII. He was deemed by the VA to have a 10% disability. He worked the rest of his life as a pharmacist, and got a check every month for his 10% disability.

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