UK Muslim behind plot to behead Pamela Geller taught two Muslims to build bombs in jihad plot to bring down Statue of Liberty – IOTW Report

UK Muslim behind plot to behead Pamela Geller taught two Muslims to build bombs in jihad plot to bring down Statue of Liberty

Geller Report: Junaid Hussain was the ISIS leader involved in the jihad attack on AFDI’s free speech event in Garland, Texas in 2015. He was also behind the subsequent plot to behead me: “Hussain communicated with at least four men in four states, imploring them to initiate attacks or help spread the Islamic State’s message. Mr. Hussain was behind a plot to behead Pamela Geller, the author of a conservative blog. In early 2015, Mr. Hussain began communicating with Usaamah Abdullah Rahim, 26, and gave him instructions to kill Ms. Geller.”

Not only did my free speech event in Texas take out two jihadis and expose a jihad cell that had plotted to kill Americans at the Super Bowl and other soft targets, but also that Boston-based plot to behead me led to the killing of this savage Hussain. The AFDI free speech event was more than just a defense of free speech; it was one of the most successful counter-terror exercises in war in the homeland. When our security team took out those jihadis in Garland (no thanks to the FBI), we saved lives: those savages were have hit something else.


“Hacker husband of ‘White Widow’ terrorist Sally Jones taught two ISIS supporters how to build a bomb in plot to bring down the Statue of Liberty,” by Iain Burns, Mailonline, January 16, 2018:  MORE

6 Comments on UK Muslim behind plot to behead Pamela Geller taught two Muslims to build bombs in jihad plot to bring down Statue of Liberty

  1. Am currently reading “Fatwa” by Pamela Geller. An Excellent read. Id’e like to mention that she speaks very highly and compliments BFH at the Garland event. Page ..37 or 38.

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