UK Muslim Radio Fined for Airing ‘Hate Speech’ Against Non-Muslims – IOTW Report

UK Muslim Radio Fined for Airing ‘Hate Speech’ Against Non-Muslims

Violent acts committed against non-Muslim people would bring honor to Islam.”

TRUTH REVOLT: local Muslim radio station has been penalized for airing ‘hate speech,’ the UK media report. British media regulator Ofcom slapped Nottingham-based Radio Dawn with a £2,000 fine for “glorifying” the violent history of Islam and claiming that “similar violent acts committed against non-Muslim people would bring honor to Islam.”

The radio station is not alone in making such pronouncements; Islamist hate preachers have long been preaching a similar message in the UK and across the Western world. The religious sanction for acts of terrorism, beheadings and sexual slavery are often derived from the biography of Muhammad, whom the Islamic tradition regards as the perfect example of how a man should act.

The acts of violence carried out in the seventh century by the prophet of Islam and his immediate followers, or Ansars, are still used by Islamic State, al-Qaeda and other jihadi terror groups as the primary source of inspiration and justification for carrying out atrocities against non-Muslims and apostates.

The UK newspaper Nottingham Post reported the proceedings against the radio station on Wednesday:  MORE

5 Comments on UK Muslim Radio Fined for Airing ‘Hate Speech’ Against Non-Muslims

  1. Penalty should be public renunciation, in writing and under oath, of the use of violence to further religion, and in a public ceremony in a mosque use a knife to cut out pages of the koran and book of haditha that encourage such violence.

    Second offense penalty: eat a pork chop and drink a beer.

  2. moslems keep telling and showing us what’s going to happen when they become the majority in any one country or region….

    We keep ignoring what they’re tellin us….This won’t end well.

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