UK Police officers reveal the truth about crime, justice, and political correctness – IOTW Report

UK Police officers reveal the truth about crime, justice, and political correctness

Hopkins World: Right now, Britain is like the Wild West of Europe, and it’s been said our police have lost control of our streets.

I asked serving members of the British Police what it is like to be a police officer in the U.K. today. Their truths will make you weep.

This is Dave’s story:

“In 1999 I was suspended from the police over an allegation of assault against an Asian male who had beaten his girlfriend in the street.

“It was a night shift and I was crewed with a female probationer. Without backup or assistance, I needed to use CS spray and my baton to control the situation and arrest the man.

“My accuser is a 6ft 4” kick-boxing expert, an alleged enforcer for a local drugs baron. He’s suspected of one murder and has been convicted for various violent offences, including firearms. I am 5ft 6” and weigh 12 stone in all my kit.

“He made a complaint of racially aggravated assault and I was charged and suspended.

“I was told by my division commander, off the record, that the only reason I was being charged was because the police didn’t want to deal with the publicity of acknowledging I acted within the rules for the use of force. In fact, the force paid him £12k in compensation before the case even got to court, during which time my accuser was shot in a drugs feud and I was listed as a suspect. He survived.

“After a four-day trial at Crown Court, it took just 20 minutes for me to be found not guilty. Unanimously.

“I returned to duty broken. I lost my first marriage from the stress of it all.

“When I returned to work I was put on a race and diversity course, implying I had acted with prejudice despite the not-guilty verdict. I was also given a written warning over my conduct during the investigation.”

Now ask yourself why anyone would want to be a police officer in the UK today.  MORE

8 Comments on UK Police officers reveal the truth about crime, justice, and political correctness

  1. Boo hoo
    How many of his fellow subjects did he push around for violating speech laws? How many of his fellow subjects did he arrest for the same bogus allegations? How many times did he vote for it?

  2. Why anyone would want to be a police officer in the UK (or anywhere else) today? For the reason most want to become police officers – – because it probably pays good and has benefits. I seriously doubt that they do it out of altruism, and if they did do it out of altruism they are fools.


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