UK: Top Academic Calls for Sex Offenders-Style ‘Hate Crime Register’, Restricting Access to Jobs – IOTW Report

UK: Top Academic Calls for Sex Offenders-Style ‘Hate Crime Register’, Restricting Access to Jobs

Breitbart London: Head of Durham University Law School Professor Thom Brooks has told a Commons inquiry that people found guilty of committing ‘hate crimes’ should be put on an official register.

A professor of law and government at the university, Brooks advised that a ‘Hate Crime Offenders Register’ would work in a similar fashion to the sex offenders register, putting restrictions on what jobs people who are listed are allowed to do.

Such an approach would send a “clear signal” about the severity of such offences, the professor argued in a written submission to the Commons Home Affairs Committee, which is holding an inquiry into hate crime and its consequences.

He said: “Given increasing concerns about hate crimes, there may be scope for Parliament to consider establishing a Hate Crime Offenders Register along the lines of the Sex Offenders Register – and to similar effect.

“Anyone on a Hate Crime Offenders Register could be restricted from working with children and/or working in certain professions. This seems sensible, mirrors current policies in place and would help send a clearer signal of how serious these offences are.”  more

11 Comments on UK: Top Academic Calls for Sex Offenders-Style ‘Hate Crime Register’, Restricting Access to Jobs

  1. That is going to take a lot of computer space to add all the DemonRATS! But it shouldn’t be hard for Russia to access all the Democrat registration files and provide them to the FBI for inclusion!

  2. Watch , this school professor Thom Brooks will end up on the list and he will cry foul. Liberals again pushing something stupid, thinking it will quash their political opponents and then end up backfiring on them.

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