Ukraine and Russia Officials Negotiating a Meeting – Biden Administration Tells Zelenskyy to Stop, Only U.S. Permitted to Negotiate With Russia – IOTW Report

Ukraine and Russia Officials Negotiating a Meeting – Biden Administration Tells Zelenskyy to Stop, Only U.S. Permitted to Negotiate With Russia


Amid an intense conflict continuing, the government of Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and the government of Russian President Vladimir Putin are in negotiations for a meeting.  However, the U.S. State Department does not want Zelenskyy and Putin to negotiate an end to hostilities.

Reuters – “Ukraine and Russia are discussing a place and time for talks, President Volodymyr Zelenskiy’s spokesman said on social media on Friday.  “Ukraine was and remains ready to talk about a ceasefire and peace,” spokesman Sergii Nykyforov added. (link)

Unfortunately for Zelenskyy, an end to the fighting would be against the interests of the Biden administration. Highlighting the point, the U.S. State Department does not want Zelenskyy and Putin to meet. The Biden administration conveys a very telling message, from their perspective, saying only the United States is permitted to negotiate with Russia on behalf of Ukraine. Zelenskyy needs to stay out of it. more h/t joe6pak

30 Comments on Ukraine and Russia Officials Negotiating a Meeting – Biden Administration Tells Zelenskyy to Stop, Only U.S. Permitted to Negotiate With Russia

  1. I’m starting to think that the whole US/State department response to this Putin invasion is just a cover up for all the money laundering our crooked politicians have ran through Ukraine over the years. They let Putin take Ukraine to destroy all the evidence. Yes it could be that simple.


  2. Peppermint Patty: “Mr. Zelenskyy, stay out of it. Pappy Poopy Pants may not be able to control his bowels, but he’s got this under control fer sher!”

    Zelenskyy: “Thanks, but no thanks. The situation over here stinks bad enough without that grinning imbecile fvcking things up even worse than they are!”

    pResident Assterisk:” Is it pudding yet?”

  3. Same people who just sent Deep Thoughts Harris over there to screw up and take the blame, now want to jump in front of the parade and take credit for other people’s work, since things are presumed to be going favorably. What a bunch of feckless, mendacious cowards we have in DC.

  4. Welcome to the Brave New World of Jackass Joe, where the once shining example of fairness and democracy is now run by a lame-brained, reckless, feckless, blustering, bragging, stumbling, bumbling, loathsome, amoral, out-of-touch, shame gland missing, mendacious, greedy, venal, obnoxious, filthy, vile, vulgar, demented, hypocritical, angry dope who was installed like a toilet who projects “power” like an imbecile!

  5. Shitpants biden* will look you in the eyes and lie to you while he’s fondling your grandaughter right in front of you. He’s done that he entire life.

    He in no ways represents me or American ideals. I renounce him and don’t believe a word he says about anything. He and obama have toiled constantly to ruin this country. May God smite them and reveal to all what they have done behind our backs.

  6. Everything Dementia Joe knows about sanctions, he learned from canceling the Keystone Pipeline. Everything he knows about Ukraine, he learned from Humper, the smartest man he has ever known. Everything Poor Joey knows about Russia, he learned from Baracky Osmidgen, the former president who promised Vlad more flexibility after the next election. Everything he knows about diplomacy, he learned from President Elect Hillary Rodham Clinton. Everything Horny Joe knows about respecting women, he learned from Tara Reade. Unfortunately, President* Obiden Bama is suffering from dementia, and he can’t remember anything he ever learned.

  7. The Keystone pipeline 1 is working, Germany cancelled Keystone II, it was never an American project. All America did is stop support of the project after Germany cancelled it. Geez.

  8. The Washington cluster phuck politicians just keep chasing their tails in a never ending spin loop. Nothing changes except their bad decisions keep getting worst.

  9. ukraine is a major money laundry & human traffic depot
    there are a ton of bloody political hands tied to ukraine
    crazy nancy, biteme, lurch, and pierre delecto’s kids are all on “boards” of companies located in ukraine

  10. The Dems are primarily worried about their corruption in Ukraine being exposed. Putin is too shrewd to let that happen. Instead he will let them know through back-channel paths that he has the evidence on them, turning them into the actual Russian puppets.

  11. @ Dry gulched FEBRUARY 26, 2022 AT 8:23 AM

    That little cunt has no idea what “darn your socks” means.

    It probably thinks you are cursing Candian style at it.

    It’s mom really should kick it out of the basement and make it get a job, it’s 43 years old ffs.

  12. Wild Bill
    FEBRUARY 26, 2022 AT 11:47 AM
    “@ Thirdtwin – Yeah, but does he pick his feet in Poughkeepsie?”

    …nice “French Connection” reference there, kudos, not easy to do anymore…

  13. simple fix for zelensky. destroy the pipelines. all parties will then be invested. continue the destructive diplomacy until every pipline nation feels the pinch. people will not get involved until they feel it at home. start massing troops in north poland for russian invasion. only recourse for putin will be to pull out of ukraine and protect his border/flank.

  14. pie
    FEBRUARY 26, 2022 AT 12:37 PM
    “start massing troops in north poland for russian invasion. only recourse for putin will be to pull out of ukraine and protect his border/flank.”

    …somehow, I don’t think Vlad will be impressed by the half-dozen or so troops that all of NATO could “mass” on the border that are not on sick call for vaxx injuries and/or gender dysphoria issues, that don’t refuse to go to Poland because they’re Muslim and Poland made them feelz bad, and actully have equipment from funds not already stolen by politicians for “green energy” boondoggles, and aren’t already detailed to fill civilian roles in hospitals that fired all their unvaxxxed…


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